This is the Message Centre for Lochangel

Not going to be sad any more (well not much anyway)

Post 41

Is mise Duncan

Given the rodent and South African connections of this thread, I'd have thought "RANDS WIN RAT" would be a better anagram smiley - smiley.

Not going to be sad any more (well not much anyway)

Post 42


nice one DJ - but the way the rand is present I am not sure it could win an amoeba!

Not going to be sad any more (well not much anyway)

Post 43

Ragnar the Scottish Terrier

I got a million of 'em...

For example;
Or even...

Ragnar Hairybreeks
(ANGRY HAIR BREAKERS)smiley - bigeyes

Not going to be sad any more (well not much anyway)

Post 44


oh I thought you meant rand - but the anagrams are good too smiley - winkeye

Not going to be sad any more (well not much anyway)

Post 45

Ragnar the Scottish Terrier

Oops! Sorry for being naughty. I am only a lickle doggy and don't want to offend anyone.

I promise no more gratuitous anagrams.

Ragnar Hairybreeks smiley - smiley

P.S. Gratuitous anagrams =

Not going to be sad any more (well not much anyway)

Post 46


Scottish Terriers are my joint favourite dogs and I have never ever ever met one that offended me. Ragnar I am honoured by your presence.

smiley - smiley

Not going to be sad any more (well not much anyway)

Post 47

I.V. BeerDwarf

It's good to see the pub is as busy as usual

Could I have 10 smiley - ale of Coca Cola please.

Would anyone else like a one?

Not going to be sad any more (well not much anyway)

Post 48

Wand'rin star

Since Cameroon are through to the final of the African cup thingy, and since it's already Friday afternoon and a quarter here, I'd like something stronger please and can this mouse be called Roger Milla (spelt like that I think) after a very famouse cameroonian footballer.smiley - smileysmiley - smileysmiley - smiley

Not going to be sad any more (well not much anyway)

Post 49


I can confirm that Roger Milla is spelt like that. And if you're a soccer fan, Wandrin' Star, may I invite you to take a look at my footie page? is the place to go. smiley - smiley

Not going to be sad any more (well not much anyway)

Post 50


Wandrin'star it is a done deal!

Not going to be sad any more (well not much anyway)

Post 51

Wand'rin star

Thanx Ormontroyd. Definitely worth the detour. Now I'm an hour behind instead of ten minutessmiley - smiley

Not going to be sad any more (well not much anyway)

Post 52

Jellycat - a Welsh section A

Mornin' Lochie *touches noses with Lochangel*

Here share my last carrot. *twitches ears and swishes tail*

No suggestions on the mouse name but do you like my hooves - had them trimmed, shod and oiled yesterday smiley - winkeye

Not going to be sad any more (well not much anyway)

Post 53

Is mise Duncan

Good match, and result...n'est ce pas?
So - the perfect weekends football would be Grimsby to beat Port Vale and then Cameroon to beat Nigeria. I wonder if I'm the only person on the planet who wants that result?
Anyhow - I'll have a Guinness...but I've seven and a half hours of working before I get near it.

Not going to be sad any more (well not much anyway)

Post 54


Hello Trouble! *twitches ears* Nice hooves!! Very tidy and shiny - off any where special then?

Not going to be sad any more (well not much anyway)

Post 55

Jellycat - a Welsh section A

yes - I am off clean booting this weekend. Can I have a Guiness too?

Not going to be sad any more (well not much anyway)

Post 56


no you are too little.

Not going to be sad any more (well not much anyway)

Post 57


*pours smiley - ale for Duncan*

I hope that is OK. smiley - smiley

Not going to be sad any more (well not much anyway)

Post 58

Zebedee (still Pool God after all these years)

Has a decision been reached? The poor thing can't soldier on without a name forever...

My vote definitely goes with Dentarthurdent, by the way - a name of distinction. I think the only viable alternative would be to name him Douglas.

Not going to be sad any more (well not much anyway)

Post 59


I picked him up yesterday and he turned out to be even smaller then I remembered. Lovely long tail - 2 inches at least but the body-wise - he cannot be more then an inch, if that.

Not going to be sad any more (well not much anyway)

Post 60

Dr E Vibenstein (You know it is, it really is.)

I'm sure somebody suggested this last time, but given his size, how about calling him Enor? smiley - smiley

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