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Dusanka...I'll be back(once) Started conversation Oct 21, 2004
HI!!!I writing entry about my city Novi Sad,Yugoslavia(it is not finish yet) and i have question.Can i put photos of my city?
shazzPRME Posted Oct 22, 2004
Hello Dusanka
Unfortunately we are not able to put photos or pictures into our entries normally. The exception to this is if they are either accepted into the Edited Guide or feature in <./>ThePost</.> as a travelogue.
As editor of <./>ThePost</.> I would be very interested to read about Novi Sad and I'm sure that our readers would too. Perhaps, once you have it written, you could send it as a file - and a few photos too - to my email address on the Post Office page at U54963 and I'll see what I can do.
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