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Post 261

THE SCOOBIES (Amanda) I'm living in a dream I cant seem to c, someone please help me

*She doesn't pick up so Wesley tries again...*

Amanda/Wesley xx


Post 262

Eternal Angel

Tara: Buffy..Hi are u Ok?

Darla/Tara xx


Post 263

THE SCOOBIES (Amanda) I'm living in a dream I cant seem to c, someone please help me

*Fred still isn't picking up so he tries Gile's house*

Amanda/Wesley xx


Post 264

Spikes4sadie(Illyria) (I wish to do more violence)

Fred sits down on the couch and pulls out a book from her bag, she also pulls out her mobile, she sees that she missed two calls,
"Ooopps" she checks who the calls where from,
"Wesley" she says happily, she puts the book down on the table and grabs her sheet of paper she had notes on.
'Better keep my phone out incase he calls again' she thinks to herself.

Luv Hally/Fred
(Sorry cant stay if anyone is here just thought i should post something that would help)


Post 265

THE SCOOBIES (Amanda) I'm living in a dream I cant seem to c, someone please help me

*Wesley finds that Giles isn't picking up so he tries Freds mobile again*
(he doesn't have Buffy's house no)

Amanda/Wesley xx


Post 266

Researcher 242292

(Buffy looks at Tara and nods and smiles as if to say she's ok.)


Post 267

THE SCOOBIES (Amanda) I'm living in a dream I cant seem to c, someone please help me

*Wesley leaves a msg on her anwer machine(on her mob)

"Hi, Fred I'ts Wes, I just wanted to check if everything is okay. If you need my help let me know. See you soon." He puts the phone down and starts looking through his books*

Amanda/Wesley xx


Post 268

Eternal Angel

Tara: Thats great...i..i'm glad everything is fine

Darla/Tara xx


Post 269

THE SCOOBIES (Amanda) I'm living in a dream I cant seem to c, someone please help me

*Wesley sits waiting for Fred to call him back*

Amanda/Wesley xx


Post 270

THE SCOOBIES (Amanda) I'm living in a dream I cant seem to c, someone please help me

*Wesley cant help but worry about her and Angel*

Amanda/Wesley xx


Post 271

TEAM ANGEL (Lorne)(sing so i can read u)

not story:
Hiya just 2 let u no i am still i still someone in this???smiley - hug

smiley - monster


Post 272

THE SCOOBIES (Amanda) I'm living in a dream I cant seem to c, someone please help me

You wer Spike wern't you?

Amanda xx


Post 273

THE SCOOBIES (Amanda) I'm living in a dream I cant seem to c, someone please help me

*Wesley becomes impationt (not story - cant spell lol)he decides to try Fred's mobile again*

Amanda/Wesley xx


Post 274

Spikes4sadie(Illyria) (I wish to do more violence)

fred hears her mobile and grabs it, she hopes it wesley, she's missed his last few calls (sorry about that lol) she answers it
"Hello?, wesley?"

luv Hally/Fred

(If i am not on when u r wes/amanda then answer as fred for me or else we'll keep on like this lol thanx smiley - smiley)


Post 275

THE SCOOBIES (Amanda) I'm living in a dream I cant seem to c, someone please help me

"Ah, Fred, Is everything okay?"

Amanda/Wesley xx


Post 276

THE SCOOBIES (Amanda) I'm living in a dream I cant seem to c, someone please help me

(covering 4 Hally)

Fred: "Everything's fine, no reason to worry. I'm just filling everyone in with what i found"

Wesley: "Okay, i just got worried thats all, so everyone's okay there then?"

Fred: " stop worrying. Er...can you do me a favor though?"

Wesley: "Yes of course what is it?"

Fred:"can you research some more for this demon?"

Wesley: "Yes of course, I'll ring you if i find anything. see you soon"

Fred: "yeah, bye"

*They both put phone down*

(Amanda/Wesley - covering 4 Hally)


Post 277

THE SCOOBIES (Amanda) I'm living in a dream I cant seem to c, someone please help me

*Wesley goes over to his bookshelf and starts reasearching*



Post 278

The Scoobies (Glory) 4starmary~

As Dawn finally lands from the vortex that sucked her in, she looks around her to find herself still in Sunnydale. The only problem is it is though she is in a different dimension. She can see the world around her but is unable to touch anything "hey" "expresso pump" breathes Dawn with a sigh of relief as she runs over to try and make sense of the situation she is in. "its been a freaky night" says Dawn casually to the guy behind the counter. "HEY! I AM TALKING TO YOU". shouts Dawn not getting a reponse. As she reaches out to touch the counter she feels a barrier between her and Sunnydale. With no one able to hear her Dawn begins to panic. As she runs towards home a trail of puddles is left behind. "BUFFY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"smiley - wahsmiley - runsmiley - wah


Post 279

Eternal Angel

Tara smiles and sits down

Darla/Tara xx


Post 280

babes - Team Angel Cordy 'Oh and you're Welcome.'

"So what do we know so far about the demon and where's Dawn, Willow and Giles?"

lov lilah/anya

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