This is the Message Centre for kbrtiata


Post 1


Hiya smiley - hug
smiley - sorry for not coming here for ages smiley - cry
How are you all? hope no-one has catched FLU..
Here, especially in my area (not Osaaka, my home, but in Kobe closed city to Osaka) has got some patients who has got FLU smiley - groan
Now, to protect from being infected soooooooo many people wear MASKS when they go outside... it seems as if a huge bugler gangsters suddenly appears in the main city of our counties....smiley - yikes Masks are sold out at most of drug stores/pharmacies....
Me, okay. Just... can't feel pleasant... since last September...

I do miss you, all. But I haven't been able to contact you individually smiley - sorrysmiley - cry
Hope you still remember this strange weird Japanese old witch smiley - love

I hope all are fine and enjoy yourself.

Take Care and have a lovely weekend.



ps. if you know my mail addy, and if you can, please contact me. smiley - diva


Post 2


Of course we remember you, and how wonderful to hear from you! smiley - wow


Post 3

Jimcracker7[ gone altogether. im my home from home.

hi taeko
yes im still here to, 7 years nearly now.
in january this year my lodger, i refered to as rats, as gone from my home.
he got married, no i didnt go to the wedding smiley - rofl.
we do have cases of the flue, but none near me for now
i have been ill for a few weeks,i had bad sinuses, and a fungle infecton in the throat, the tabs and spray the doctor gave me i hope will clear it soon
take care smiley - dragon jim xx


Post 4

Opticalillusion- media mynx life would be boring without hiccups

witch? smiley - erm

Of course I remember you and miss our chats smiley - hug


Post 5

Anoldgreymoonraker Free Tibet

Hi ho ,Glad to see you posting again smiley - biggrinI hope you will get/have got a mask for yourself(I have) when out and about, remember you don't want to catch anythingsmiley - erm


Post 6

Prof Animal Chaos.C.E.O..err! C.E.Idiot of H2G2 Fools Guild (Official).... A recipient of S.F.L and

don't forget friends, you only miss themsmiley - sadface


Post 7

Reality Manipulator

Hi Taeko,

Thank you I am feeling fine apart from sinus problems, hayfever and a cold. I hope you are keeping well too.

About three weeks ago, I got a leaflet to say what to do if you get swine flu. But all the swine flu cases have been sporadic and the health officials say that autumn/winter will be the time it will get more serious.

Wearing masks is not a good idea as you need to change them every three hours and you will have to have a lot of masks.

I hope you will have a good weekend.

Take care Taekosmiley - teasmiley - cake


Post 8


Hiya allsmiley - hug
Thank YOU for your kind reply smiley - biggrin
I will drop into here as much as I can... when I am wide awake
It's been a bit cold since weekend smiley - groan
Arnold, I haven't worn MASK!! So many people do, though... it seems that a group of buglars suddenly appeared in our area... It really looks strange to see people wearing white masks here and there... smiley - yikes
animal, hope you get my mail safely smiley - winkeye

.... Opti, I am a kind of smiley - witch, I mean it...
Jim, I'll mail you sooner or later.
LuckyStar smiley - hug I am really happy that you never forget since I registered hootoo smiley - smooch
Kats, Hope you're fine and things will get better for you smiley - hug

Have a lovely day, all smiley - cakesmiley - cappuccino

smiley - diva


Post 9

Anoldgreymoonraker Free Tibet

I've got a mask ,You can't see the doctor/get into the surgery without one heresmiley - erm


Post 10

Jimcracker7[ gone altogether. im my home from home.

hi taeko
you take care, i have a friend in china, and she uses a mask,
he in england its in places like london, and upto scotland.
its our bank holiday monday today, as for once the weather is nice, many will be blocking the roads to go for days out.
i myself wont be going anywhere till tomorrow, tuesday, might cut the grass agin in the front garden, and i have carpet tiles to put down in the hallway sometime. could be later today
take care smiley - dragon jim xxx


Post 11

Prof Animal Chaos.C.E.O..err! C.E.Idiot of H2G2 Fools Guild (Official).... A recipient of S.F.L and

masks are a waste of time and money


Post 12

Anoldgreymoonraker Free Tibet

It doesn't matter what anyone says Prof ,Over here you won't see your doctor Or get into the waiting room without one smiley - erm and that goes for many placessmiley - erm


Post 13

Anoldgreymoonraker Free Tibet

I got mine free at the surgery entrancesmiley - winkeye


Post 14

Prof Animal Chaos.C.E.O..err! C.E.Idiot of H2G2 Fools Guild (Official).... A recipient of S.F.L and

smiley - winkeyeyou sound like a Yorkshireman - owt for nowtsmiley - smiley


Post 15

Anoldgreymoonraker Free Tibet

Why do you think I make everything myselfsmiley - smiley Got nowt ta spend


Post 16

Jimcracker7[ gone altogether. im my home from home.

hi prof and aogmr
we are like the three stooges, we probably have enough between us for a few cups of coffee. lol.
ive just had a bed and table and chairs gven, last week some carpet squares. where would we be without owt for nowt smiley - rofl
i look at this way, if its going to be 4 in every 10 that can get the flue, if its for nothing im sure to get it, so a mask, or be prepared any worth paying for remedies, the internet as cornered the market, over £100 for something you get for £39 or free if you get the flue.
and what makes it stupid, is the idoits panic,and pay the stupid prices, if your going to get the flue, nothing to do to prevent it, im not wasting money i dont have, over a scare, im 62, reasonable life, flue wants me, come and get me smiley - dragon jim


Post 17

Prof Animal Chaos.C.E.O..err! C.E.Idiot of H2G2 Fools Guild (Official).... A recipient of S.F.L and

I'm poor on me own Jim, I don't need partnerssmiley - laughsmiley - laugh


Post 18

Reality Manipulator

smiley - cheerssmiley - taThanks Taeko, I am down with a combination of hay-fever, sinus problems and a mild cold.smiley - laugh

smiley - cheerssmiley - taThanks Taeko, for the smiley - cake and smiley - cappuccino.smiley - hug


Post 19


I'm for animal! smiley - laugh masks are expensive! though it's a disposalsmiley - grr
Once I wore it 2 weeks ago, and believe you me, my nose and face on where it was covering turned a bit red and itched because of allergysmiley - yikes
My skin is too sensitive to wear fiber mask smiley - roflsmiley - rofl
the best way to protect from flu is to not go outsife smiley - tongueout

It is bit chilly today, and windy & STICKY here smiley - grovel

smiley - diva

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