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This ought to annoy a few people.

Post 181

Clive the flying ostrich: Amateur Polymath | Chief Heretic.

Embedding works both ways, I guess. smiley - winkeye

"Yessir Mr General Sir, *of course* we'll film only where you tell us to." *giggle**snort**teehee*

This ought to annoy a few people.

Post 182



Especially after just seeing the film today:

"US sounds terror warning"

Warnings of a specific and detailed bomb threat from al-Qaida terrorists prompted increased security measures today around five prominent financial institutions in New York, Washington DC and New Jersey.


"Bush to set up anti-terror centre"

"The US president, George Bush, said tonight that he would ask Congress to create a post for an intelligence adviser and a national counter-terrorism centre, as called for by the Senate report into the September 11 attacks."


smiley - headhurts


This ought to annoy a few people.

Post 183


"US terror plot intelligence 'old'"

"The US administration admits that new warnings of attacks on American cities were based on information gathered by al-Qaeda up to four years ago."


"...denied that the alert was prompted by political considerations in the run-up to November's presidential poll.""

Yeah, right.


This ought to annoy a few people.

Post 184

Witty Moniker

And I am sure it was merely coincidence that the 9/11 report was just released.

This ought to annoy a few people.

Post 185

Mudhooks: ,,, busier than a one-legged man in an ass-kicking contest...

Meanwhile: http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/asia-pacific/3530648.stm

This ought to annoy a few people.

Post 186


smiley - erm


This ought to annoy a few people.

Post 187

Clive the flying ostrich: Amateur Polymath | Chief Heretic.

Remember to live in fear people - they are evil-doers about! smiley - yikes

Maybe Al Qaeda had a hand in closing down the Di fountain as well? smiley - winkeye

This ought to annoy a few people.

Post 188

DA ; Simply Vicky: Don't get pithy with me!

Yes, this new "terror alert" is very convenient! smiley - peacedove

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