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Selfish Sods Sullying Sea-Shores
WanderingAlbatross - Wing-tipping down the rollers of life's ocean. Posted Apr 26, 2007
There is a lot of bullshit spoken about dogshit fueled by the squeeky clean, we'll all die from the common cold, my childs going to catch dengue fever because a dog took a dump in the corner of the playground two years ago lobby. I agree poo on pavements is unpleasant and I pick up my dog's mistakes, not that we are often on pavements.
But nature does sort things out. Rain, sun and insects recycle poo and my lawn, except where the bitch pees, is wonderfully green due to the natural manure. In t'pub the other night an old boy was asking what happened to the white, sun baked, dog turds that, as kids, they used to mark out their hopscotch pitch
Selfish Sods Sullying Sea-Shores
novosibirsk - as normal as I can be........ Posted Apr 26, 2007
Funny you should mention that WA. We were only saying at the weekend "where has all the white dog shit gone?".....The conclusion was that it's becasue dogs don't get bones to chew on anymore!
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Selfish Sods Sullying Sea-Shores
pedro Posted Apr 26, 2007
<<"where has all the white dog shit gone?".....The conclusion was that it's becasue dogs don't get bones to chew on anymore!>>
Yeah, calcium deficiency. Or probably not, but I'm sure you're right, Novo.
Selfish Sods Sullying Sea-Shores
McKay The Disorganised Posted May 6, 2007
Now that's incredible Novo - because it was being discussed on a Coventry City site last week, and the same conclusion was reached....
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Selfish Sods Sullying Sea-Shores
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