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Chimaera Research - Should it be allowed?

Post 1

Arnie Appleaide - Inspector General of the Defenders of Freedom


Parliament is being asked to ban research in which the nucleus of a human cell is transplanted into an animal cell - in effect making a cell which is a human-animal hybrid.

Should Parliament ban this research?

Chimaera Research - Should it be allowed?

Post 2

Clive the flying ostrich: Amateur Polymath | Chief Heretic.

First of all *why* are they being asked to ban it? Is there a reason or just fears (warranted or not) or beliefs in some inherent wrongness that may or not be shared by all?

Chimaera Research - Should it be allowed?

Post 3


I do think this does seem like rather unethical research. For one thing it may make it easier for diseases to cross the species barrier. And also I just donĀ“t feel human life should be treated in this way.

Chimaera Research - Should it be allowed?

Post 4


From what I've heard, it could lead to a reduction in using animals for research, which should please the anti-vivsectionists.
I don't see it as human life - we're only talking about cells, not any sort of potential living being.
Sounds reasonable to me, I think it should be allowed, but under close scrutiny.

Chimaera Research - Should it be allowed?

Post 5


What kind of research exactly? And personally I prefer the killing of animals to humans.

Chimaera Research - Should it be allowed?

Post 6

Ferrettbadger. The Renegade Master

Hmmmm seems like a good idea to me. Dunno why they would want to ban it. Probably just the usual old "Every Sperm is Scred" rubbish.....

Chimaera Research - Should it be allowed?

Post 7

Wand'rin star

The cells probably won't be reproductive ones. There is at present no idea of creating mixed animals and Chimaera is an over-emotive word.smiley - starsmiley - star

Chimaera Research - Should it be allowed?

Post 8

Arnie Appleaide - Inspector General of the Defenders of Freedom

Well, according to the article cloning humans is already illegal, so cloning via chimaera would be illegal.

Actually, the chimaera is a long standing term in genetics:

So it wasn't chosen for emotion. Besides, it was chosen by the scientists, who want to be able to continue their work.

Chimaera Research - Should it be allowed?

Post 9


Yes the term chimera has been used for a long time. And chimera animals of other species have already been created. Such as mixes of sheep and goat.

Chimaera Research - Should it be allowed?

Post 10

Wand'rin star

Sorry, I didn't mean you were being emotional. I thought the journalist was using the word untechnically to try and stir up a bit of a fuss, which he says is already happening but which I hadn't heard of from any other source. Apologies smiley - starsmiley - star

Chimaera Research - Should it be allowed?

Post 11

Arnie Appleaide - Inspector General of the Defenders of Freedom

No problem!

So the question is, since most people on this board think this research should be allowed, what are they going to do about the fact that their parliament is about to ban it?

Chimaera Research - Should it be allowed?

Post 12

2legs - Hey, babe, take a walk on the wild side...

Do? Same as useual, absolutely nothing, we're too bluddy apathetic to even vote the government out when we're given a chance to do so. Its the kind of thing that'd make one depressed if only we could remember what it was we were here for... smiley - erm Can't see any harm or problem with the use of this genetic technology in research, and I just wish they'd get on with human cloning technology a bit faster for rather self-centred reasons smiley - ermsmiley - scientistsmiley - vampire

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