A Conversation for The Forum

The allure of inanity

Post 1


I have a theory as to why Ask H2G2 has become overrun with people maundering about the weather or playing word games. It occurred to me as I was stuck at home feeling under the weather - I had the attention span of a goldfish so I couldn't read or watch old movies or listen to Radio 4 or anything except come over here and hang about being trivial.

I am not for a minute saying that all the chatterers are suffering from limited attention spans. But say you are at work, and can't get on with a good book because of the various prejudices against constructively filling in the boring bits at work. Neither do you have the time or mental energy to devote to a serious reasoned debate, and you may not have the inspiration for someting witty or worthy. But you are alone at home, or surrounded by people who are too busy to talk to you. You want somehow to connect with other people, who whatever dribble they may say, are at least taking the time and trouble to respond to you. Hence the allure of 'how's the weather where you are' and 'add a word to the sentence' and all their ilk.

Any thoughts?

The allure of inanity

Post 2


Sounds reasonable.

btw, it's quite sunny here at the moment.

The allure of inanity

Post 3

Heleloo - Red Dragon Incarnate

it's quite sunny here also.......smiley - laugh or was earlier, it is night time here now

sounds as good a theory as any......

The allure of inanity

Post 4

the third man(temporary armistice)n strike)

There does at times seem a dearth of challenging ditties on the site, especially in the last few months. Mind you if you press 'Whose Online' the numbers sometimes approach two hundred so we must have lots of newbies. Numbers help justify the cost so we shouldn't grumble too much but just sit in our favourite corner of the pub.
It's sunny here as well but with a bit of a chilly northern wind.

The allure of inanity

Post 5

Shea the Sarcastic

Sounds reasonable to me. I tend to post here during down time at w**k, and can't give *too* much attention to deep conversations ... same goes for trying to cover giggles. smiley - winkeye

The allure of inanity

Post 6

Lady Scott

There's also the possiblity that the more trouble there is in the world, the more people there are - including hootooers - who are looking for an escape, and a moment of silliness.

Some days the news is so heavy that you can't take deep discussions. Correct me if I'm wrong, but the upswing in the number of games and such on ask h2g2 seemed to have started about the time of the buildup to the current mid-east troubles, which could indicate an attempt to escape the real world troubles, atrocities, etc.

The allure of inanity

Post 7

Apparition™ (Mourning Empty the best uncle anyone could wish for)

I know whenI'm too tired there are some conversations I just cannot concentrate on.

It's sunny with wind here.

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