A Conversation for Jedi Academy: Yavin IV

The Council Waiting Room

Post 1


Err... you wait here until the Council calls for you.

The Council Waiting Room

Post 2

Secretly Not Here Any More

Master Gr'jar, I wish to speak to you regarding my padawan learner.

The Council Waiting Room

Post 3


*walks with Annat (it's a big room)*

Of course Annat.

The Council Waiting Room

Post 4

Secretly Not Here Any More

My padawan has reached a stage where I am confident of his solo abilities. His knowledge of the living force rivals that of my own and his lightsaber techniques are of the highest quality. On our mission he displayed initiative and independence.

I would like to suggest he be put through the trials before we return to Bespin. He should become a fully fledged Jedi.

Of course I leave the decision to you and the council.

*thinks, except that damn Green Puppet*

The Council Waiting Room

Post 5


I will test his lightsaber skills in the meditation chamber. Then we shall see if his able and he can learn the ways of force powers...

But this weapon, it is designed by someone with knowledge of the physical force...
It takes advantage of a Jedi's usual wide swings..

The Council Waiting Room

Post 6

Secretly Not Here Any More

I will practise and change my style accordingly. Hopefully I will be able to return to Bespin better prepared and with more Jedi accompanying me.

Will you inform me when my padawan is to take the trials, so that I may accompany him for support?

The Council Waiting Room

Post 7


Of course, Annat.

Did your padawan say that one of the traders was Corellian?

The Council Waiting Room

Post 8

Secretly Not Here Any More

Yes, probably more of a smuggler than a legitimate trader.

The Council Waiting Room

Post 9


Then I suggest that be a destination to take in mind...

(If you've read the level bit on the main page) I see you believe you are now able to teach your padawan in the ways of force Powers?
The trials will not be useful unless you padawan is trained in the ways of the powers...

The Council Waiting Room

Post 10


I take it is on your recommendation that your padawan is now a Jedi?

The Council Waiting Room

Post 11

Secretly Not Here Any More

A jedi he is, able to display all of the light side powers which I have shown him.

The Council Waiting Room

Post 12


Then a Jedi he now is...

Nethertheless more experience in these powers are needed <(and I can actually call him by his name instead of going on about younglings)>...

The Council Waiting Room

Post 13

Secretly Not Here Any More


The Council Waiting Room

Post 14


Please inform Paber of the change.

The Council Waiting Room

Post 15


Make haste with your training Annat but with wisdom and caution.
We may soon need many Knights...

The Council Waiting Room

Post 16

Secretly Not Here Any More

As you wish, master.

The Council Waiting Room

Post 17


*heads to Maditation Room*

The Council Waiting Room

Post 18

Star Fire

I wish a audiance with the council.

The Council Waiting Room

Post 19


/\/ Enter /\/

The Council Waiting Room

Post 20

Star Fire

I am here Master Gr'jar. I am sorry for my erratic movement.

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