A Conversation for Jedi Academy: Yavin IV

The Council Waiting Room

Post 101

Dr Anthea - ah who needs to learn things... just google it!

The Council Waiting Room

Post 102

Dragon Lord back with avengence

You had no reason to feel guilty master, it was my decision and no one elses.

The Council Waiting Room

Post 103

Ancha Theri (Jedi Master)

smiley - biggrin

The Council Waiting Room

Post 104

Dragon Lord back with avengence

*stands up andp and walks ks around because hes es bored**

lalalala *he mumbles*

The Council Waiting Room

Post 105

Dr Anthea - ah who needs to learn things... just google it!

I beleve i might have become atached to my padawan...
i trust you all...

The Council Waiting Room

Post 106

Dragon Lord back with avengence

<smiley - biggrin>

lalalalala oh oh sorry Master just that im bored

The Council Waiting Room

Post 107

Dr Anthea - ah who needs to learn things... just google it!

be calm youngling...
getting yourself worried will not do any good

The Council Waiting Room

Post 108

Dragon Lord back with avengence

< i know its its cool i wonder what it is????>

Can i not spar with you in the training grounds master?

The Council Waiting Room

Post 109

Dr Anthea - ah who needs to learn things... just google it!

I do not wish to risk annoying the council any more than is nessasary...
although... i do wish i knew what to do about this...

The Council Waiting Room

Post 110

Dragon Lord back with avengence

As you wish Master, i only hope they will hurry up.

Last offer on the Sparringg?

The Council Waiting Room

Post 111

Ancha Theri (Jedi Master)

~~ Sc'har - you could always do the Star Wars crossword

1 across. See a Scottish island hiker (4,9).~~

The Council Waiting Room

Post 112

Dragon Lord back with avengence

~~~~Ancha lol.. I will take ake 2 down lol~~

The Council Waiting Room

Post 113

Ancha Theri (Jedi Master)

~~ One of HPB's villains. (5) ~~

~~ PS 1 ac was LUKE SKYWALKER (look Skye walker) smiley - doh ~~

The Council Waiting Room

Post 114

Dragon Lord back with avengence

erm...whats the first letter?~~

The Council Waiting Room

Post 115

Reefgirl (Brunel Baby)

The Council Waiting Room

Post 116

Ancha Theri (Jedi Master)

~~ Give the girl a coconut (if that's allowed when you're in containment) smiley - biggrin KEEZO is right ~~

The Council Waiting Room

Post 117

Dragon Lord back with avengence

~~ think i mighmight as well go, no ones gonna come in. And nd i dont fancy stopping here all night, i want to ho have a bit of action~~

The Council Waiting Room

Post 118

Ancha Theri (Jedi Master)

The Council Waiting Room

Post 119


The Council Waiting Room

Post 120

Dragon Lord back with avengence

Hello Elland, hows ws your arm?

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