This is the Message Centre for frenchbean

Out for the count

Post 1


First things first: Ksmiley - angel sent me a great list of names for the new
goat kid. We've plumped for Oats, son of Sno'balls.

My first job on arriving home one evening was to hold small wether
(boy) kids in the air, exposing their tender bits to G, who was
wielding a scissor-like instrument with a tight rubber band attached
to it. Yup, it was de-testicling time smiley - yikes It seems to hurt them very
little and the only sign that they felt anything was increased jumping
about in the paddock. This simple operation means that the wethers
don't grow up to be any sort of competition to Ned Kelly (aka Big
Daddy) as well as ensuring sweeter meat for the roasts smiley - drool

A tummy bug which is doing the rounds at the packing shed struck me
down at the start of the week. I shan't go into details (phew), but I
had 3 days off work, for which I don't get paid. J and G
provided just the right amount of TLC, balanced with leaving me to
sleep. But oh my goodness, it is horrible to be ill in somebody else's
house. I want to have my own place next time I'm struck down with a
lurgy. My bounce returned yesterday and I was back packing with a
smile on my face this morning.

There was an unexpected upside to being ill. I bought a new doona
(duvet) last weekend, because the nights are getting down to 9C (brr).
It's a feather-down concoction and really cosy. I had 2 whole days
underneath it this week smiley - smiley Heaven. It's in the States that you have
Duvet Days isn't it? How civilized.

Doonas are cheap here. By cheap I mean about 1/4 price you pay in UK.
Is it because the ducks and geese have inferior down? Is it because
there are more of them? Perhaps they have more down per bird? smiley - erm

As you know, I've been borrowing G's spare Ford Falcon to get to
and from work, which has been wonderful, but limiting, especially as I
have to give it back when I leave here. So a couple of weeks ago I bit
the bullet and decided to see what kind of a vehicle I can buy for a
pittance. And I think (hope) I found one, thanks to a friend of Hel2's who has a 1977 (yup 28 years old) Mazda 323 to sell smiley - biggrin

It has just 29,000 kms on the clock. Owned by an ex-military Brit who
drove it to the shops once a week and down to Sydney now and again. It
looks in immaculate condition. I had a pleasant test drive around the
outskirts of town last Saturday. It is hardly flash. But it has great
amounts of character. 4 gears. No air con. The original AM radio.
Faux-walnut dashboard. A fan with Off, Medium, High settings. It's
getting its Road Worthy Certificate before I can buy it. All being
well I shall collect it next weekend.

Freedom for Frenchbean!

As a result of being out for the count for several days, I don't have
as much to tell you as most weeks. Rest assured that I shall gather
many interesting and fascinating topics together for the next Weekly
Witter smiley - laugh

Out for the count

Post 2

Heleloo - Red Dragon Incarnate

That's one of the problems with shed, one bag gets everyonesmiley - erm

smiley - cool about the car, hope all goes well for you this weekend

Oats, is a good namesmiley - biggrin

Out for the count

Post 3

Lady Scott

smiley - erm I've never heard of Duvet Days here in the US... although it's entirely possible that might be what some store calls a particular sale on their bed linens.

We don't generally use duvets in this country - I'd never even heard of them until just a few years ago. Normally, we do a bottom sheet on the bed, a top sheet (which is tucked in at the foot of the bed so it stays in place and you don't get any cold drafts under it at your feet smiley - brr) and one or more blankets (also tucked in at the foot of the bed). The number and thickness of blankets used depends on just how cold it is, and how well your home is heated (or cooled), since our nighttime temperatures can range from well below 0 degrees F (below -18C) during the coldest part of the winter, to a nighttime low of 80F or higher (higher than 27C) during the hottest part of the summer. And that's just here in the mid-atlantic states, it could vary even more in one direction or the other in various other parts of the country.

Sorry you were sick for a bit, and glad you're all better now! smiley - ok

Out for the count

Post 4


Same here, Lady Scott. I was surprised on my trip to the UK to find no top sheets on the beds. One evening was hot and it was dashed uncomfortable to have to have the heavy duvet or nothing at all. smiley - erm

Out for the count

Post 5


The car has got its Road Worthy Cert and I have arranged to collect it next Saturday morning smiley - biggrin I can' wait.

Very grumpy today though smiley - sadface because J and G were up from 2 until 4 this morning watching a comedy movie on TV. Volume up full blast and laughter throughout. The living room is next to my bedroom and walls are plasterboard smiley - grr I have not had an undisturbed sleep since arriving, when they've been home and last night was the final straw. Next weekend I am shifting my belongings into the caravan, which is 100m from the house and well beyond earshot of the smiley - bleep TV smiley - crosssmiley - steamsmiley - steam

Out for the count

Post 6


"J and G were up from 2 until 4 this morning" -- they got up at 2 for two hours, then went back to bed?

Out for the count

Post 7


Fb, I do sympathise. I have lovely neighbours, except they have a habit of drilling and hammering until well after midnight, and they party till 3am on family occasions smiley - grrsmiley - steam

If you have a caravan at your disposal, grab it. Sleep is too precious to lose on a regular basis.

I do hope you are feeling better after your bout of smiley - yuk A Duvet Day would suit me fine as I don't even get a lie in these days. Mind, at the moment it is too hot for a duvet or even a sheet smiley - steam

smiley - goodluck with the car. It sounds a good 'un!

Off for a cool drink. Take care. C U l8r.

Websailorsmiley - dragonsmiley - runsmiley - somersault

Out for the count

Post 8


Hooray smiley - biggrin J and G took sleeping tablets last night and both slept 12 hours straight smiley - applause

It was my first uninterrupted night for a couple of months smiley - bigeyes

I am positively pinging today smiley - somersault Trouble is, it probably means that they will not sleep tonight smiley - ermsmiley - cross

Out for the count

Post 9


smiley - yawn Yup, I was right.

smiley - cross There was a war movie at 2am today smiley - wah Explosions, gunshots, shouting and lots of stiff upper lip. My upper lip isn't stiff this morning and I'm intending to negotiate a move into the caravan after work this afternoon.

smiley - run

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