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US vs the world

Post 1


The following, is an actual transcript of a radio conversation between a US Navy ship off the coast of England and the UK coastguard. The transcript was released by the MOD on 10/10/1995.

*Brits: Please divert your course 15 degrees to the south, to avoid collision.

Yanks: Recommend you divert your course 15 degrees to the north, to avoid collision.

Brits: Negative, you will have to divert your course 15 degrees to the south, to avoid collision.

Yanks: This is the captain of a US Navy ship. I say again, divert your course.

Brits: Negative, I say again, you will have to divert course.

Yanks: This is the aircraft carrier USS Lincoln, the second largest ship in the United states Atlantic Fleet. We are accompanied by three destroyers, three cruisers and numerous support vessel. DEMAND that you change corse 15 degrees north, or counter measures will be undertaken to ensure the safety of this ship.

Brits: We are a lighthouse. smiley - bleep off!*

It neatly sums up my perception of US government attitudes to the rest of the world just at the moment smiley - sadface

US vs the world

Post 2

Lady Scott

That story has been around for ages, with various ships and lighthouses mentioned.

US vs the world

Post 3


The story may well have been around for ages, but it is still funny - well it would be if not so true to life smiley - wah

No change there, then smiley - huhsmiley - laugh

smiley - dragon

US vs the world

Post 4


I apologise for being behind the times Lady S.

I still thought it was aposite, given Bush's latest comments about his government being right and everybody else being wrong. But then, if he didn't believe that, he wouldn't be standing for another term, would he?

US vs the world

Post 5

Lady Scott

Eh... don't worry about it - it's hard to sort truth from legend these days, especially when you see/hear stories that are purported to be the truth.

And of course *everyone* puts their own spin on everything, it seems - those who pass on urban legends, politicians, the fish monger who wants you to believe the fish really is fresh even though it doesn't look or smell too good, the guy on the corner holding the sign saying "will work for food" only he doesn't accept any job you offer...

US vs the world

Post 6


An old joke, but a funny one, FB!

It's easy to be taken in by folks who want attention. One must be careful of those things we pass on as fact, though.

Let us know when you hear another! That one brightened my day, even though I've heard it through a couple of wars/police-actions.

smiley - towel

US vs the world

Post 7

Lady Scott

I think the first time I heard it, the lighthouse was manned by the US coast guard... and the other navy was British? Or perhaps Russian? Can't remember at this point - it's been a long time.

US vs the world

Post 8

Zarquon's Singing Fish!

When I first heard it (and in all subsequent hearings) the ship was American. The lighthouse (on my first hearing) was also American, but has changed nationalities with the telling over time.

I still think it's funny!

smiley - fishsmiley - musicalnote

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