This is the Message Centre for frenchbean

Geeks needed!

Post 1


Help? smiley - grovel

As some of you know, I am embarassingly unsmiley - geek-like smiley - laugh But here's a conundrum which somebody might be able to help with...

My sister-in-law is having trouble transferring some data from MS to Apple. I wonder if anybody can help point her in the direction of software which would help her? smiley - erm

"Charts and graphs I can transfer fine from Excel to XPress. However the problem is getting Word tables into XPress. If I import a Word file that contains a table into XPress, the table is ignored, the data comes across but I loose all the table format"

I you understand what that's about smiley - applause If you can suggest a solution smiley - applausesmiley - applausesmiley - hug

Fbsmiley - starsmiley - starsmiley - starsmiley - starsmiley - star

Geeks needed!

Post 2


Hi, Fb, I can't help. I have the same problem! You could always send it by paper plane smiley - laugh

If no-one on h2g2 comes up with an answer try putting the question on the national question section of this website, they have some computer experts answering questions.


Geeks needed!

Post 3


If you have a loose table try putting a wad of paper under one of the legs smiley - winkeye

smiley - sorry never used an Apple

Geeks needed!

Post 4


I don't use both systems, but one thing occurs that may be worth a try.

You can copy a Word table and paste it into Excel. The table will sort itself into Rows and Columns. If you can then send it to Xpress as a spread sheet, perhaps the table can be re-copied from Xpress and pasted, as a table, into a Mac word processing program.

Good Luck,
smiley - towel

Geeks needed!

Post 5


Thank you for the comments - both useful and less useful smiley - laughsmiley - ok

Pimms smiley - smiley Long time no see smiley - hug

And Fords too smiley - smileysmiley - hug How's your alterego these days? smiley - winkeye

Where you been? Or have I just missed you both in PR?

smiley - somersault
Fbsmiley - starsmiley - starsmiley - starsmiley - starsmiley - star

Geeks needed!

Post 6


Hey, hey, hey!

Let me know if my suggestion was effective, on the chance I get asked again, someday.

Have you been checking the Front Page??smiley - biggrin

In the last week, my entries on 'Spotted Dick', and 'Adult Sleep Apnoea' have both reached EG status!smiley - oksmiley - applause (yay me)

I'm working on another one, with a sort of literary bent. It's proving an interesting project.

You know, I've still got a couple of entries simmering in Peer Review; 'Trigger Thumb', which seems not to be eliciting further comments, and 'Time: A Bi-Directional Dimension', which has received almost none.

Have I missed any of yours??smiley - doh

smiley - towel

Geeks needed!

Post 7


Hello Fords smiley - smiley

Well, my Orkney World Heritage Site triptych is mouldering in PR smiley - sadface They got quite a few comments and I have smiley - boinged all three a couple of times smiley - winkeye

I've another ready to go in and one half-written about the Ordnance Survey. Considering another on the mid-Atlantic ridge, following my trip to Iceland smiley - ok

I'll go check out yours - don't recall seeing either of them, but I'm only dipping in and out of PR these days, after getting thoroughly smiley - bleeped off with the lack of quality a while ago smiley - cross

smiley - somersault
Fbsmiley - starsmiley - starsmiley - starsmiley - starsmiley - star

Geeks needed!

Post 8


Hi FB smiley - biggrin

I did have a hiatus after Lamarck and Luke Howard, but I have been posting and reading your journal entries, and now have two further entries in PR on a sort of "The letter e in European packaging" theme. Not at first glance an enthralling topic smiley - winkeye

Glad to see you've read at least one of them smiley - ok Apologies for not getting to your Orkney stuff, I have skimmed past them with my wastrel magpie eye smiley - sadface

Pimms (Fords, Sleep Apnoea similarly slipped through the net, but I did enjoy Spotted Dick, particularly the Diet version smiley - laugh)

Geeks needed!

Post 9


Thanks, Pimm. smiley - ok
And to think that the diet version was the quickest bit, insisted on by a reader! (was that you?smiley - winkeye)

I have expected the 'Time: ...' piece to be the big controversy, especially after the rigorous examination that 'Gravity Sled' got.

Oh well, such is hootoo life.smiley - biggrin

smiley - towel

Geeks needed!

Post 10

Zarquon's Singing Fish!

Fb, an expensive option would be to get Office for Mac - less expensive if you qualify for the student/teacher edition, which they're selling on the Amazon site.

Also, there is a Mac Users group at the Orchard A690653, who may be able to help.

smiley - fishO/~

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