This is the Message Centre for frenchbean


Post 1


The garden is about to burst into production smiley - ok And that's despite anything but good weather recently. It's as though the veg plants get enough warmth and water in May/early June, that gives them a head of steam to go on and produce fruit in June/July whatever the weather is like then smiley - bigeyes

Anyway, I picked a broad bean pod this evening and ate the beans out there in the garden smiley - droolsmiley - drool I have some sugarsnap peas almost ready. Ditto peabeans. Courgettes are about 3/4 size. Lettuces are already coming out of the ground, along with other salad leaves. Tomatoes are fattening up. Cucumbers are about 4 inches long.

The runner beans have just set this week, as have a few frenchbeans and borlottis. The garlic are huge and the onions have begun to swell. Cabbages and caulis are all just starting to show signs of hearts smiley - ok

I love this time of year out there in the garden. It is all just about to happen smiley - smiley

But before it does, I really do need to finish eating last year's frozen veg smiley - run

Fbsmiley - starsmiley - starsmiley - starsmiley - star


Post 2


Oh, Fb,

You took me back to when we used to grow our own smiley - biggrin. There is nothing like picking home grown and eating it with the soil still on!! The taste and smell is nothing like shop bought tasteless, odourless uniform junk!

I am fortunate that I get a lot of fresh stuff given to me, which keeps me busy. I am sprouting beans and alfalfa at the moment which is fun.

smiley - dragon


Post 3

There is only one thing worse than being Gosho, and that is not being Gosho

This time of the year is so good, and for so many reasons smiley - bigeyes

Well done Fb smiley - ok Your fingers must be very, very green smiley - tongueout How are the soya beans btw?


Post 4

Zarquon's Singing Fish!

Sounds wonderful, Fb! Well done!

I don't really have much of a green thumb, nor do I really enjoy gardening. Oh, I do it sporadically, but that's not what gardening is all about, is it? Gardening needs more energy, consistency and planning than I appear to possess. i think the thing I'm missing most (apart from energy) is the planning element. Any tips about becoming more motivated/productive?

smiley - fishsmiley - musicalnote


Post 5


Websailor smiley - smiley Freshly picked, homegrown food is the best smiley - drool

Gosho smiley - smiley Yeah, I know exactly what you mean about this time of year smiley - bigeyes

ZSF smiley - smiley Don't think of it as gardening. Think of it as feeding yourself smiley - ok Start with your absolute favourite veg or fruit and try to grow that. See how it goes and how much you enjoy it. Build from there smiley - smiley

Fbsmiley - starsmiley - starsmiley - starsmiley - star


Post 6


smiley - doh Gosho, the soya beans are looking really healthy, although they're a lot taller than 4ft smiley - cross I had to operate on the supports at the weekend and put in extensions smiley - laugh The pods are growing quite slowly, but I think they may suddenly take off once the weather warms up again smiley - ok


Post 7

There is only one thing worse than being Gosho, and that is not being Gosho

Taller than four feet? smiley - huh I don't remember mine getting that tall...


Post 8


4 feet and still growing smiley - yikes


Post 9


Fb, how do you use the soya beans? Fresh or dried? Pods or seeds?

I'm glad your garden is doing so well. smiley - biggrinsmiley - ok


Post 10


Hypatia smiley - rainbow

I haven't a clue how I'm going to use them smiley - laugh I've never grown them before. Gosho was talking about it a while ago and I decided I'd give it a go. I'll be asking him what to do in due course smiley - ok

smiley - somersault
Fbsmiley - starsmiley - starsmiley - starsmiley - star


Post 11

There is only one thing worse than being Gosho, and that is not being Gosho

You can boil 'em the way that you normally do dried soya beans, but of course you don't need to soak 'em overnight or cook 'em for so long. You just treat them like any other bean I guess, although I think edamame is uncooked soya beans isn't it? I've had that a few times at sushi restaurants smiley - tongueout


Post 12


Sushi? smiley - ill

Hsmiley - rainbow


Post 13

There is only one thing worse than being Gosho, and that is not being Gosho

Sushi smiley - tongueout


Post 14

Lady Scott

You can also pick them when they're very young, green and tender. Shell and cook them like you would fresh green peas.

I've never had them prepared like that, but friends have told me that they're wonderful. Since we used to eat young green lima beans smiley - drool when I was a kid, I suppose the young soybeans would be similar in texture.


Post 15

Zarquon's Singing Fish!

My absolutely favourite fruit or vegetable, Fb? Do you know, i don't know what that is? I can't grow pineapples, and growing something like avocados, (are they possible over here?) peaches or pears sounds a bit difficult - I have a garden that slopes very strongly downwards, with no terracing. Oh, figs, I love figs!

smiley - musicalnoteI had a little fig tree
and nothing would it bear,
But a silver nutmeg
And a golden pear.smiley - musicalnote

The King of Spain's daugter
Came to visit me
And all for the sake of
My little fig tree!

Where would I get one from - could I grow it in a container? How much sun and water does it need?

I have grown strawberries in the past (not here), but they have tended to get eaten by slugs and stuff. Around here appears to be slug heaven! I like the idea of home grown lettuces, however again, I have a vision of them being eaten before I get to them. I know that vision is a powerful thing and that if I foresee disaster, that's what's likely to happen. Maybe I need to cultivate optimism first. smiley - biggrin

smiley - fishsmiley - musicalnote


Post 16


Figs are easy. Grow in a pot. Keep indoors in a frost-free but cool light room over the winter. Outside in sun in the summer.

Slugs are beatable smiley - smiley

smiley - somersault
Fbsmiley - starsmiley - starsmiley - starsmiley - star


Post 17

Lady Scott

smiley - yuk Slugs.

Odd you should bring up slugs right now...

I've just been lugging some firewood into the garage from the patio. Not that I need it in this heat, that's for sure! But we really don't like to have the patio covered in firewood all summer, and there's still some room in the garage, so I finally forced myself to start moving it this morning.


There's slugs all over the place in that wood! smiley - yuk I've been knocking them off the pieces of wood when I see them, but I missed one, and it landed on my foot as I was placing the log on the stack... and I only have sandals on my feet, so it landed on *skin*!

Ewwww! Icky! smiley - yuk Bleh!

I shook it off immediately.


Post 18


Hi, Keeper of Long Afternoon Naps - can I join you smiley - biggrin I could do with one!!

It's funny - I can tolerate snails but slugs give me the creeps! smiley - yikes. We have such huge ones, and every morning there are trails everywhere when I go out to feed the birds smiley - tit

If I move the timber we use for kindling (we have an open fire in the winter) there are dozens of slugs, woodlice smiley - ants and smiley - spiders, so I gather them all up with a spade and put them out for the birds smiley - tit. With so many babies to feed they grab every morsel they can smiley - yuk

We have had rain and wind for the last two days, causing floods, landslips, trees on cars and flying marquees down south. I have two outdoor events on Saturday and Sunday, so keep your fingers crossed and wish me smiley - goodluck for better weather.

I am taking refuge from smiley - footballsmiley - racket2 and numerous other sports at the moment smiley - groan, so the weekend will be some respite whatever the weather smiley - rainbowsmiley - smiley

smiley - dragon


Post 19

Gnomon - time to move on

The best way to deal with slugs is to have a hedgehog in your garden. If one ever arrives, do everything you can to keep him, including offering him plates of catfood (any except fish flavour) and water to drink.

If you haven't a hedgehog, put on a rubber glove and go out after dark with a torch and plastic bag and pick up every slug you see. Mrs G once picked up 4 kg of slugs in one evening. (What you do with the slugs afterwards is up to you). After a few evenings of this you will start to notice the difference.


Post 20


Sushi smiley - drool

Slugs don't bother me. I pick them off the greens in the evening and put them into a mug of cheap beer smiley - tongueout What a way to go smiley - ok

I hope the weather holds out for you Websailor. I saw a picture from Glastonbury yesterday - smiley - yikessmiley - yuk

smiley - somersault
Fbsmiley - starsmiley - starsmiley - starsmiley - star

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