This is the Message Centre for Agapanthus

NaNoo, NaNoo

Post 1


And here is a place for me to whine and snivel and grouch and bang-head-on-desk about NaNoWriMo.

I hate my first five sentences. I am writing expository drivel.

NaNoo, NaNoo

Post 2

Titania (gone for lunch)

smiley - yikes

You're not saying you're going to do both, are you?

NaNoo, NaNoo

Post 3


Good Lord, no. Do I look crazy? (Don't answer that). I just thought at least 0.3 of you might be vaguely interested in my progress, as long as I didn't snivel for more than a paragraph every few days.

NaNoo, NaNoo

Post 4

Titania (gone for lunch)

Don't be silly Ag, of course there are beings who are interested!

*down Ripley, no, you can't slap her for being silly, no more than I can, although at times I'd like to*

NaNoo, NaNoo

Post 5

Lanzababy - Guide Editor

I am very interested, I know I have no sticking power to write a novel, so admire from the audience those who do.

NaNoo, NaNoo

Post 6

minichessemouse - Ahoy there me barnacle!

but you have written 5 sentences. You are no longer sat staring at a blank page, this is progress! I'm certainly interested, keep us updated on how it's going.

and you have all of our drivel to read and correct for grammatical and spelling errors whenever you need a break.

minismiley - mouse

NaNoo, NaNoo

Post 7


Glad you are off, and looking forward to hearing more about it. Go Ag!

NaNoo, NaNoo

Post 8


1757 words. Right. I'm going to bed.

NaNoo, NaNoo

Post 9



NaNoo, NaNoo

Post 10

Amy Pawloski, aka 'paper lady'--'Mufflewhump'?!? click here to find out... (ACE)

Great start!

NaNoo, NaNoo

Post 11

Titania (gone for lunch)

Well done Ag, now have some smiley - tea

NaNoo, NaNoo

Post 12

Mr. Dreadful - But really I'm not actually your friend, but I am...

I wouldn't worry about whether things are drivel. I reckon at least 700 of the 2,118 words I wrote yesterday are pure smiley - bleep. Turning the drivel into Literature is what December is for!

NaNoo, NaNoo

Post 13


And 2013..,

smiley - goodluck

If you post your word count here everyday you'll have done both.

NaNoo, NaNoo

Post 14

Santragenius V

Love to hear about your progress! And would be honoured to read any outcome afterwards!

Much as I wanted to do a NaNo... with 1 1/2 weeks away starting on Sunday I could see it wouldn't happen.

NaNoo, NaNoo

Post 15


1811 words tonight. Plus yesterday's 1757 = 3568. Right. Where's the smiley - stiffdrink?

NaNoo, NaNoo

Post 16


*leaves sloe gin* smiley - stiffdrinksmiley - stiffdrink

NaNoo, NaNoo

Post 17


My hero and his friends are drinking coffee and joshing about girls. This was SUPPOSED to be a fantasy adventure novel, not asaturday-morning-down-the-local-caff novel. I think I may have to set fire to something.

NaNoo, NaNoo

Post 18

Santragenius V

Even in fantasy, heroes have to get their blood caffeine levels up before doing anything more demanding than ogling/discussing/joking bout /... girls.

Trouble likely will be to have them do anything else, even after coffee smiley - winkeye

NaNoo, NaNoo

Post 19


OK, I've moved the whole sorry crew about 100 miles away, to the city on the coast, and they've stopped talking about girls. Though one of them seems to be having a bit of a crisis of faith. No idea where that popped up from.

NaNoo, NaNoo

Post 20


3171 words today. Which makes 6739 altogether. And I still haven't got them all on board the bally ship. By the time we get to the other continent where the actual ADVENTURE happens, it'll be March 2016 and I'll be on the second volume of the eight-volume epic. Pfft.

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