A Conversation for Talking Point: One Minute Rants

New agers

Post 1

And Introducing... A Leg

Tarot!! Astrology!! Universal forces!!! What is wrong with these people? Why do they feel an obligation to be controlled by medieval superstitions? Life in the middle ages was rubbish. The reason we have much better lives now that ever before is modern science, which new age hippies seem to hate. I wouldn't mind, but they use modern science all the time, to move their cabbages around.

Honeatly, astrology - the belief that vast masses of hydrogen and helium, burning under their the force of their own gravity somehow has a direct effect on the personal and financial lives of one millions of carbon based life forms on one solitary planet, in one solitary star system, in one single galaxy.

Mr logic from Viz was asked if he wanted his fortune told. His reply: "The very fact that you find it necessary to ask is surely in itself proof of your inability to forsee, several seconds ago, that, at this point, I would not enter your booth." A fine man.

New agers

Post 2


Hi there everyone!

I like that bit on the fortune teller.....

I am somewhat familiar with Astrology (the positions of the planets)
and the effect of the 'moon's phases' on life here on earth.

Full moon...high tide....
Full moon...high emotional tendencies.
Hence, the saying.."there's a full moon tonight...watch out!

Mercury in "Retrograde" (going backward)can produce feelings of 'mental confusion' in some people. A lot of it depends on your birth sign and details (how the planets were aligned at that time)

If you observe long enough, you will see patterns emerging, working with people in general. Have you ever noticed your co-workers will all agree that.."today is going so slow"..or.."I feel so tired today, or sleepy"...Sometimes, it's the weather....that makes me think that there IS an effect on people in general by nature and "what's up there."

I have to believe that what's going on up there has SOME bearing on what's going on down here. Not to such an extreme effect, though. Just in general...Barb

New agers

Post 3


If you look hard enough you can find patterns in anything. Correlation does not imply causation.

New agers

Post 4

the_jon_m - bluesman of the parish

Tarot is not meant for fortune telling

An orginal legend is that when the Persians were about to ransack the great library of Alexandia, the casodians got together and tryied to find out how they could keep the most important impormation that was contained in the library. They desecided to draw them on the cards, to make them look like a childrens game.

The cards are not medieval, a lot of the imagary in the decks comes from Hebrew ledgends.

The proper use for Tarot cards is as a guide to mediation, thinking about he aspects of the picutres, the stories and imagery involved. Its was only in the last coiple of hundred years that Gypies wanting to make a quick groat (shilling or whatever) started to use them for fortune telling and brought them into the public eye.

The many of the occoltists of today refuse to have anyhting to do with fortune telling tarot readers. It is a misconception of the ignorant that tarot can be used to predict the future, and having in my past worked for a tarot reading company, I can say there is a lot of ignorance around. -

for instance - being asked to predict a lottery result -

1) if I knew, would be earning 10p a minute here? even then, why should I tell you, so we'ed have to split it?

2) there are 78 cards, the majors numbered 0-21, and the otheres 1-10, Page, Knight, Queen, King - How exactly would these realte to the 1-49 balls ?

New agers

Post 5


I too agree that fortune tellers are frauds. Even some of the so-called psychics cannot tell the future. I have never heard of one who could "predict" anything. They use very general terms, which could be interpreted many different ways.

The Tarot is a game for amusement, not even that 'amusing' if you ask me......

I do not believe that "astrology" can "predict" anything ..But I do believe there is a "relationship" there as to what is happening "now" here with you and what is going on up there...

Preparing your Natal chart (birth date & time), and understanding what it all means, gives you an idea as to 'why' you are the way you are. I find that very interesting. Like psychology and human behavior, astrology can give you insight.

To understand 'why' you feel a certain way on a certain day, I think you can get a 'better idea' by looking into astrology...Yes, there ARE "patterns"...these are "patterns" I choose not to ignore. I don't live day to day with my "book in hand" so to speak, but it is still a very interesting field to 'look into'.

As for "today's horoscope", that is SOOOOOO general, whatever it says can apply to anyone, anywhere, anyday.....In order to even 'slightly' be able to tell you 'what today will bring', you would have to compare your natal chart(the whole works) to that days chart (moon, planet positions) and interpret each one individually and come to a "conclusion". (that conclusion would be your own) Even with all that, your conclusion would be very general.

Again, I don't believe "predicting the future" could be that easy. Even Nostradamus' predictions were general, although I do believe he saw "Something".(He must have thought "what the heck was that all about!!!! and started writing.......

P.S. Just a note:

Take life with a grain of salt and a sense of humor....Then it doesn't seem all so bad....Till we meet again....Barb

New agers

Post 6

Mister Matty

"they use modern science all the time, to move their cabbages around"

I love that bit.

New agers

Post 7

the_jon_m - bluesman of the parish

On the using modern science, look up Technopagans on the web ...

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