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Slagging match

Post 1


A variation on the insult theme.
It's less personal as they're not aimed at anyone inparticular.
Please send in any insults based on the following format:
"Your __________ is so ________, ......"

An example:
"Your mother is so fat she has trouble finding a dress to fit her. In fact she has trouble finding an address to fit her!"

Could be interesting to see what people come up with. smiley - smiley

Slagging match

Post 2

Researcher 38090

Your mother is so massive it's disturbing to look at her due to the associated increased curvature of local space-time.

Slagging match

Post 3

Prez HS (All seems relatively quiet here)

Yo momma 's so stoopid, she don' fill out no krossword puzzle with a pen, she fills the pen with the puzzle!

Slagging match

Post 4

Prez HS (All seems relatively quiet here)

Your brother's so stupid that though the two of you are actually twins, it took him five years longer than you to find your mothers exit.

And your mother is so stupid, she still hasn't found that out!

Slagging match

Post 5


Your Momma's so fat, she sprinkles Big Macs on her sandwiches!
Her idea of a square meal is a fridge full of chicken!

Slagging match

Post 6

Prez HS (All seems relatively quiet here)

Well your sister's so ugly, she talks rubbish just to get a can to pick her up!

Slagging match

Post 7


Well YOUR sister's so ugly that your parents tied a bone around her neck so that the dog would play with her!

Slagging match

Post 8

Prez HS (All seems relatively quiet here)

Whereas your parents coulnd't FIND the bone to tie around their daughters' neck, so they killed her to get to her bones!


Slagging match

Post 9

Prez HS (All seems relatively quiet here)

Whatsa madda, cat got your tongue?

Good, cause that cat always had more brain than you... now there's a worthy enemy. Hey cat, you wanna exchange insults? Zombieman here went kinda undead on me again.

Miow miaow mauw mow iauw hiss hiss miauw!

Slagging match

Post 10


Too busy laughing.
That's okay I'm not laughing at you, I'm laughing beside you.

You cat's so stupid it plays with the dog.... and loses!

Slagging match

Post 11

John F

Your cat's so stupid it can only distingish colours of very large or close up objects, where the plane of colour covers over 45% of the cat's vision! Ha!

(Trust me, if you're a cat, that one REALLY smarts)

Slagging match

Post 12


Well your cat's so stupid it DOESN'T run the house, moult everywhere, make unnecessary demands or know how to lick its behind.
(I hope my cat's not reading this - it'd kill me if it knew smiley - smiley )

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