A Conversation for Parched Peas

things you were shocked to find out when you ventured into the world

Post 1


Here are some other things I was surprised to learn were not 'normal' out side of my home town (City) of Preston, Lancashire, England, UK, Earth

1. Parched Peas are not a global food stuff
2. Butter pies (great for vegetarians)also not global
3. Gravy with your chips at the chippy - ditto
4. Other towns don't have bus stations as big as ours, most just have a shed with spaces for 10 or 20 buses - big shock the first time I went to Liverpool !
5. God and the angles are invisble (they lied at school when they said they lived in the clouds - as a 5 year old when I flew for the first time I was very disappointed !)

What did you discover ?

things you were shocked to find out when you ventured into the world

Post 2


Glad you mentioned Butter Pies! I have just moved from preston permanently (I think) and butter pies have been much on my mind. They are a fabulous treat, and you're right, they are vegetarian! I'm learning to make pies at the moment & when I've perfected the butter pie, I'll share with the group.

As for the bus station, you know it's going to be knocked down?! Originally, I thought they were going to 'unify' the transport system in preston. By having the bus and train station nearer than a mile apart! Sounded like a good idea to me... Anyway, they abandoned that and have opted for a new bus station near the existing one. Why bother? Tsh!

On the subject of things I was surprised to learn when I left Preston: I was amazed to find out that it wasn't just Preston that had too many greetings card shops! It's a global phenomenon! I found a hallmark cards shop in New Delhi in India! Near the Pizza Express and the Wimpy Burger Bar... What's the world coming to?!!

things you were shocked to find out when you ventured into the world

Post 3


Just googled parched peas as I too grew up with them in Preston and we always ate them on bonfire night. I had some from the flag market recently and couldn't believe how good they tasted. I was surprised to discover on googling that they are a Preston delicacy and not known throughout the country. They don't know what they are missing. Butter pies are another of my faves. My Dad had a bakery off Plungington road and butter pies were one of his specialities. I remember vividly putting the knob of butter in the pies on a Saturday morning before the meat went into the pie case to make the meat and patato variety. Yum Yum. I bet it is over 20 years since I had a proper butter pie, probably when my dad retired and the bakery closed.

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things you were shocked to find out when you ventured into the world

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