A Conversation for How to get to music venues in Camden, London, UK

Writing Workshop: A1080695 - Going to a gig in Camden?

Post 1


Entry: Going to a gig in Camden? - A1080695
Author: Kate - U33022

This is just a quick guide for getting round Camden to gigs.
I know for experience that a lot of these places are impossible to find.

A1080695 - Going to a gig in Camden?

Post 2

There is only one thing worse than being Gosho, and that is not being Gosho

What are your intentions for this one Kate? Are you thinking about getting it edited, or would you be looking to send it somewhere like The Post or the Underguide? Either way, we could sure do with an entry like this on h2g2 smiley - smiley

A1080695 - Going to a gig in Camden?

Post 3


I'm not sure, I've only just started again under the 'new' system (well, new to me, anyway).
Where do you think would be best?

A1080695 - Going to a gig in Camden?

Post 4

There is only one thing worse than being Gosho, and that is not being Gosho

It could easily go either way.

If you want to put it into Peer Review you'll have to take out all first person references and opinions.

If you want to keep it as a personalised entry then it will have to go towards The Post, Agg/Gag, or the Underguide.

A1080695 - Going to a gig in Camden?

Post 5


I've just edited it a bit.
Do you reckon it could go in for peer review now?

A1080695 - Going to a gig in Camden?

Post 6

There is only one thing worse than being Gosho, and that is not being Gosho

Not quite yet, but I reckon it's getting close smiley - ok

I'll have to leave it until tomorrow to go into more detail though - it's getting late, Family Guy's on tv, and Mrs Gosho is giving me a rather smiley - cross look smiley - yikes

A1080695 - Going to a gig in Camden?

Post 7


thanks very much for being so patient with me!

A1080695 - Going to a gig in Camden?

Post 8

There is only one thing worse than being Gosho, and that is not being Gosho


Firstly, you'll probably be asked to rename the entry - something like 'Hard to find venues in Camden, London, UK'. It sounds a bit wieldy and boring, but that's the way the Eds like edited entry titles.

Have you tried using GuideML yet? It would really benefit this entry, and it's not difficult to learn - hell... I did smiley - biggrin It's not absolutely necessary as long as an entry is quite nicely laid, and yours is smiley - smiley

If you do learn to use GuideML, you can include links to other edited Guide entries (edited entries can only link to other edited entries), and links to outside sites, like this one which I found in an edited entry about Camden Market http://www.theworldsend.co.uk/pubs/worldsend/worldsendmap.htm

If you also write more of an intro to your entry - describing Camden a bit more, you could also include a link to the Camden Market entry A786404

I could have sworn there was also an entry about Camden tube station in PR, but apparently it's not in there smiley - erm

Escelators is spelt escalators.

Perhaps you could give a brief description of each venue - what kind of music, what the clientele are like, what you might expect at chucking out time...

Is this all of the venues in Camden? Are there any others you could include to make it more comprehensive (but not too long - I know there are quite a few smiley - wow).

How's that to be going on with? smiley - smiley

A1080695 - Going to a gig in Camden?

Post 9

There is only one thing worse than being Gosho, and that is not being Gosho

I meant 'quite nicely laid *out*' of course smiley - blush

A1080695 - Going to a gig in Camden?

Post 10


Thanks ever so much, I will have a go and get back to you.

A1080695 - Going to a gig in Camden?

Post 11


I've had a go with GuideML and adding a bit more detail about the atmosphere and soforth.

I've only written aout venues I know. The only significant one I can think of that I've not listed is Dingwalls and I'll be going there in a week or so, so I'll be able to update that then.

what do you think?

A1080695 - Going to a gig in Camden?

Post 12

There is only one thing worse than being Gosho, and that is not being Gosho

Wow, you really got the hang of that smiley - ok It looks superb smiley - biggrin

What about the Jazz Cafe? Is that still in Camden?

A1080695 - Going to a gig in Camden?

Post 13


yeah, it is. i mentioned that you pass it on the way to the dublin castle, but i've never been and i don't know anything about it really.

A1080695 - Going to a gig in Camden?

Post 14

There is only one thing worse than being Gosho, and that is not being Gosho

So you did smiley - blush

I reckon this is pretty much ready for PR if you don't have any other venues to add smiley - biggrin If you do want to add the Jazz Cafe, there's bound to to be someone in Peer Review who knows about it.

You'll have to take it out of this forum before you can submit it to PR, and when you fill in the submission box, add a link to this conversation so that people commenting in PR can see how the entry has progressed.

I don't know if you've put anything into PR before - if not, be warned - the criticism there can be somewhat harsh, but only because we want the best to get into the Edited Guide smiley - smiley

See you there smiley - ok

smiley - geeksmiley - online2longsmiley - stiffdrinksmiley - hangoversmiley - ok

A1080695 - Going to a gig in Camden?

Post 15


ok, thanks very much!
if i ever meet you, you can have a pint on me. you've been fantastic.

A1080695 - Going to a gig in Camden?

Post 16


ok sorry, how do i take it out of here?
and would the link be this:

A1080695 - Going to a gig in Camden?

Post 17

There is only one thing worse than being Gosho, and that is not being Gosho

Next time I visit London I'll take you up on that smiley - alesmiley - cheers

I should have checked your PS - you've been here a good while smiley - smiley Much longer than me. You must have been one of the first to sign up smiley - bigeyes

To remove the entry from the Writing Workshop, click on the Writing Workshop link at the top of this conversation, locate the entry in the list (it should be at or close to the top, having just been posted to), and click on either the 'x' or the word 'remove' (depending on which skin you use) next to it.

The 'Submit Entry' button should reappear on the entry itself (it might happen straight away or take a few hours), then you just go through the same process of submission as when you put it here, but choose Peer Review from the dropdown menu.

The link should look like this:

smiley - geeksmiley - online2longsmiley - stiffdrinksmiley - hangoversmiley - ok

A1080695 - Going to a gig in Camden?

Post 18



yeah, i signed up just after Douglas was on tomorrows world enthusing about his latest project.
unfortunately, i lost my password and stuff a few years back, and so i've only just signed up again.

A1080695 - Going to a gig in Camden?

Post 19

There is only one thing worse than being Gosho, and that is not being Gosho

smiley - cool

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