A Conversation for Malibu, California, USA

Edited Guide Writing Workshop: A47749215 - Malibu, California, USA

Post 1


Entry: Malibu, California, USA - A47749215
Author: Malibu42 - U13840253


A47749215 - Malibu, California, USA

Post 2


Indeed. I see you've had an unsuccessful outing in Peer Review with this. What it needs is some structure - a series of sections with different headers such as 'attractions', 'amenities', 'accommodation', each with a bit more detail, would do the trick.

Alex smiley - smiley

A47749215 - Malibu, California, USA

Post 3


Oh and it's best if you remove the mention of food poisoning - unless you have proof, writing that sort of thing could be construed as libel. smiley - erm

A47749215 - Malibu, California, USA

Post 4


smiley - whistle

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Edited Guide Writing Workshop: A47749215 - Malibu, California, USA

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