This is the Message Centre for Gothyra - The darkness underneath the trees

PHENOM visits Gothyra

Post 1


never really liked Buffy. but i do like darkness.

PHENOM visits Gothyra

Post 2

Yes,I am the Lady Lowena!Get with the programme...

Buffy is the most godawful piece of trash I've ever had the misfortune to watch. The entire cast and crew,and anyone with any creative involvement in the program need a good slappin'. smiley - biggrin

PHENOM visits Gothyra

Post 3

Gothyra - The darkness underneath the trees

christ! -- I come to my own space for peace and I have my religion viciously attacked by a thread-jacker!!

To be honest, I don't expect that kind of behaviour from a Lady.

*coalesces into a cloud of dark mist... thunder rumbles... light flashes from the depths*

I hereby curse you to have a bad weekend and lose the remote.

*the thunder recedes... the cloud breaks up...*

smiley - vampire

PHENOM visits Gothyra

Post 4

Gothyra - The darkness underneath the trees

Hey Phenom.... nice of you to visit my realm.

what about the darkness interests you?

smiley - vampire

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