This is the Message Centre for Little Miss- Get well soon Kylie.XXX
Hello Little Miss Naughty
Big Bad Pussy Cat Started conversation Jul 17, 2003
hi there we have something in common we`re both in the proccess of decorating our spacese.I`m new to computers and it would be nice to have somebody to chat to who is either `a` in the same boat,or `b` knows a bit about these infernal machines.I`m researching as much as I can so together we may come up with some cool ideas.
Hello Little Miss Naughty
Little Miss- Get well soon Kylie.XXX Posted Jul 23, 2003
sorry ive taken so long 2 reply hun, im on my tv email & its abit tempremental!! but yes, we can help each other along.
Hello Little Miss Naughty
Big Bad Pussy Cat Posted Jul 26, 2003
Hi again I`m as bad as you do not seem to have time to turn round let alone play on computer.Any way what I`ve found out how to do (this with the help of one or two of the acese,great guys and girls)is two add picture and use the viewer/ tag.I`ll start with that.The viewer/ tag is used in the same way you use smileys instead of typing laugh
etc you type viewer/ between the "<"and the">"DONT FORGET THE " / "IT WONT WORK WITHOUT IT.(
almost forgot this puts the name of whomever is visiting your space in your text.
Now for pictures first of all make sure that on your edit page that your set to guideML its at the bottom of the page below preview update etc.Next select your picture.Use the guides own search engine(search h2g2)and just type pictures this will give you loads to choose from so have a lok round select what ever you want and (this hurts)make a very carefull record of the tag code in the box next to it then returning to your edit "my space" insert the picture like a giant smiley!another tip is where it says `centre` in the code you can change that to `left` or `right`to change the possition of your picture.I do hope that helps.Anyway I`m of to work on different fonts and moving script,See you later BBPC
Hello Little Miss Naughty
Big Bad Pussy Cat Posted Jul 26, 2003
Just noticed you appear to have been hit upon alot by "web chat geeks" if they get annoying,offencive etc either report them or have a chat with one of the acese (search h2g2 `ACE`)to report them click on the unhappy smiley at the end of the dialog box on the entry in question.Apart from that `GO GIRL GO`.
Hello Little Miss Naughty
Little Miss- Get well soon Kylie.XXX Posted Jul 27, 2003
u call 'em "web chat geeks" i call 'em "desperate, testosterone induced teenagers born prematurely!"
i can handle them!
thanx 4 all ur help & u can almost guarantee ill b calling on u again, coz this guideml thing has got me stumped!!!
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Hello Little Miss Naughty
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