A Conversation for Talking Point: Was 2008 any Good?
Good Riddance 2008
Jutimskip Started conversation Jan 1, 2009
What's your overwhelming personal memory of 2008?
The death of my dear brother.
Will it stick in your mind as, on the whole, a good year?
Or, conversely, will you be glad to see the back of 2008?
My , and my
must be beyond repair.
What, in your opinion, were the most significant news events?
Martin Luther King had a dream, and it's now a reality.
What were the greatest cultural high points?
The achievements of the British Olympic Team.
Who of the people we lost in 2008 will be most sadly missed by you?
I miss my brother, I don't think 'we' feel the same sadness.
What's the biggest lesson you've learned from this year? What do you think 2008 should have taught us all?
The less expectations I have of others, the happier I'll be!
We need to take better care of our children, our prejudices and
intolerance has them killing each other.
What artefacts would you assembled if you were to create Blue Peter-type time capsule in order to let future generations know how we lived in 2008?
Sorry I'm struggling with this one!
Good Riddance 2008 - Response 1
PuertoRicosLostChild Posted Jan 4, 2009
First, my sympathies for the loss of your beloved brother!
Several years ago, my father died on Christmas Day, and was buried on New Year's Eve.
I can never think of Christmas without missing him, and this year has been no exception.
Regarding 2008 specifically, I have loads to say, and will add a second reply, but for now:
2008 was a terrible year for many, many people, including myself.
I am quite happy to see the tail end of it (you know that saying - "don't let the door hit ya, where the dog should have bit ya")
My older daughter's husband was terminated from his position on 31 December; several of my favorite stores closed; my bills increased but my income did not; my older sister ended up in the hospital with heart disease; and I discovered that I had a blockage in my heart.
It seems oue entire planet needs a brand new year, with a wee touch of thrown in for good measure!
Good Riddance 2008 - Response 2
PuertoRicosLostChild Posted Jan 4, 2009
- My overwhelming personal memory of 2008:
Tearing a muscle in my leg, and ending up on crutches alone in my living space for several weeks. Struggling to meet my own needs, while trying not to scream because of the horrible pain every movement cost me.
- Will it stick in my mind as a good year?
No! There is no way I could say that!
Among my more 'memorable' experiences of 2008, a family member became homeless, and I ended up with 4 people in my small living space! For months!!
It's the best (and fastest) way to kill a relationship!
- The most significant news event:
Actually, I didn't quite believe it would happen! I was so afraid an attempt would be made on his life before he got very far in the polls.
Even in my own church, when the priest asked everyone to pray for him, I remember someone commenting that if Obama were elected President, he would make the White House into a Mosque!!
- People we lost in 2008 that I will miss:
Among others: Harold Pinter, Eartha Kitt, A Very Dear Pen Friend From The Scotland Board
- The biggest lesson I've learned in 2008:
That it's way past time that I begin to take care of, and focus on, myself.
The more one does for those in need (especially family & friends), the more they will expect one to do.
And, if one does not adequately care for ones' self, what can one give to others?!
- What artefacts whould I assemble for a Time Capsual?
I have a long list, so perhaps I should revisit this question later
Have to now!
HAPPY 2009!!!
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Good Riddance 2008
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