A Conversation for The H2G2/LDers' Advice Corner


Post 1

Researcher 228969

hiya some1 told me that to go in2 anothers user page u have to go in 2 the url n change the u to testuserpage where is this exactly ???thanx plz reply??


Post 2


Hello lushylips. You're back (or still here)! smiley - hug

If you are still on a digibox you won't be able to see the URL or change it. However you can make a link which you can use instead (in a thread post or on your page).

For example, you are U228969. That's your researcher number which I can see under your nickname but which you can see in the top right corner of anyone's personal space page. It is automatically made into a link by the system. However, one can use <. /> and </ .> without the spaces to force other things to be a link. So type this round the URL you want and get something like <./>TestUserPage228969</.> which you can then click on.


Post 3

Researcher 228969

thanx sef yeah im back decided to come back on after me lil holiday im not getting nemore trouble now thankgod !!some1 i talk to wanted the whos online link on his page wanted me to do it 4 him ill see if i can do it this way !!also i wanted to put some boxes on me page too was trying loadsa times the other week without success mayb it was where i was situating it where do i put it??thanx xx


Post 4


If the page is in plain text mode or you are storing things in a thread (eg message to oneself) for future reference then: <. />online</.> makes <./>online</.>

If the page is in GuideML, then Who's Online as you already know. smiley - winkeye

You can't change his page for him even with TestUserPage. That just allows you to see the page (and possibly think you are editing it). However, you can type the plain text link for him into a message on his space where he will always be able to find and use it.


Post 5

Researcher 228969

oh rite just thought i could add the link on the page 4 him my mistakesmiley - biggrinsmiley - blush ill type that link 4 him in a msg then n send it to him saves him coming to mine all the time thanx alot sefsmiley - hug


Post 6


That's OK, lushylips. It seems to be an easy mistake to make. Lots of people think we can help them by editing their page or unsubscribing them from things. It is obvious, if you think about the consequences, why other people can't be allowed to edit your page though. Some people might be trashing other people's pages or conversation lists all the time. smiley - yikes


Post 7

Researcher 228969

yeah id h8 that if it happened to me oh well never mind just tryed to send that link it didnt work im gonna try again ...... but i wont give in i could do it easily b4 oh well practice makes perfect they say !!!smiley - smiley<cheers hun 4 ur help im gonna attempt the boxes again l8r wish me lucksmiley - smiley bye 4 now michellexx


Post 8


Oh yes, I quite forgot about the boxes! Good luck then. smiley - biggrin


Post 9

Researcher 228969

i give up couldnt send em ill try again l8r byeeeee!!!xx


Post 10


hello angry try

In backet`s you should get

smiley - grr same as angry


Post 11

Researcher 228969

thanx intern !!aint my lucky day 2day keep getting everything wrong smiley - laugh ill have to loook up the smileys again n jot them down its easier smiley - ta very much!!xxx michelleXX


Post 12


If you have any trouble getting into the normal <./>Smileys</.> page, try A1000008 or A1094960 instead.


Post 13


smiley - biggrin You are very welcome


Post 14

Researcher 228969

smiley - ta peeps big smiley - hug 2 every1i think ill look back on our old thread if its there sef to try n do that online link again smiley - cheers


Post 15


You can do it like this

plain skin

< . / > online < / . >

but with out the gaps

Or useing guide ml like this


Try them

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