A Conversation for Animal Crossing on the GameCube

Flea Market: A1016407 - Animal Crossing on the GameCube

Post 1

World Service Memoryshare team

Entry: Animal Crossing on the GameCube - A1016407
Author: Monkey_Marauder - U224236

This entry has been moved to the flea market.

A1016407 - Animal Crossing on the GameCube

Post 2


Although I don't know about the GameCube version, I've played 'Animal Crossing' for the DS (back in the days when I was spending over 2 hours a day commuting on the ferry). If the GameCube is anything like the DS version, this entry is missing over 99% of the game out.
Definitely a game series worth writing about - but there are 2 more versions of the game since this one.

I'm undecided about whether to recommend Back to Entry, though.


A1016407 - Animal Crossing on the GameCube

Post 3

h2g2 Guide Editors

It's such a tiny amount of text that I think someone would be better to write afresh, and earn the solo credit for an Entry, rather than rescue this.

Back to Entry it is.


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