Animal Crossing on the GameCube

3 Conversations

The game Animal Crossing is a game that lasts forever, forever is about thirty years(get the game and find out). It never ends when you aren't playing it is. When you start the game you are on a train ride, this is where you enter your information(name, town, and gender) the you get a house from a racoon named Tom Nook. He will give you a small house for the last amount of money you have. Now that is all I am going to tell you because I want you to go and buy the game to learn more about it. Now here is a one thing that sets the game apart from others. The game is allows you to visit your friends town not by the internet( which the game does not have the capablity to do...yet) but by memory cards. You get a free memory card in the games so don't worry. You talk to the conductor of the train station, which is a monkey cool. you visit you meet new people get new friends and even post messages on their bulletin board in their town, lets keep it clean. That is a little of some of the thing that this game offers get it now.

Monkey_Marauder signing out.

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