This is the Message Centre for SerjTankian... Freelance Assassin for higher... (not hire)

I know I'm just b******g here but.......

Post 1

SerjTankian... Freelance Assassin for higher... (not hire)

I've gotten pretty bored of h2g2 over the last couple of days...

All of my better convos have seemed to have evapourated and even the ones that others started that I had a pretty big interest have just gone out of the window...

The problem is... everything's been said before... again and again...

I'm happy also at the moment with the fact that A: LD's coming back this year and B: The firewall's down...

But I also appreciate the fact that I've met a LOT of interesting and sound people on here...

Like Loz... Sian... Jessypeeps... Kat... Loup... Kow... Manda... Mort... Cuddlywolf... Cutiechops... Intern... The Wally Gang... Pete... All the contestants from Big Sister...

And loads more... thanks for everything...

Even know I knew/know loads of you from LD... I hope I'll see you again on LD when it's back...

Thanks for the fun...

(I'm not leaving by the way... this is just a list of "memoirs")

See ya...

Serjsmiley - devil

I know I'm just b******g here but.......

Post 2

Tiara.Kitten*Valentine Cat*

oh gawd i thought u were disappearing forever! noooo!
one thing... LD'S coming back?!?!?!!?!? is it gonna be free again?!?!?!xxxsmiley - lovexxx

I know I'm just b******g here but.......

Post 3

Researcher 232059

I dont think i want nethin 2 do wiv LD again...

p.s how do u do that ikkle thing wiv the picture n wlecome note on the top of the msg bit?! u kno...

I know I'm just b******g here but.......

Post 4

Tiara.Kitten*Valentine Cat*

sorry for answering when ur expectin Serj to but what bad things happened on LD? apart from

the formula for the message thingy is on my edit page too sweetie... mind u Serj will prolly be happy to do it for u.smiley - smileyxxx

I know I'm just b******g here but.......

Post 5

Researcher 232059

aah, it just pissed me off... i got too attached! lmao at me...

i cant log out, it wont let me... so, no, i'll hav 2 do it myself xxxxxxxx

I know I'm just b******g here but.......

Post 6

Tiara.Kitten*Valentine Cat*

ah okay then... if im totally honest it was only good for messaging. chat was as slow as treacle.smiley - sadfacexxx

I know I'm just b******g here but.......

Post 7

Midnight Angel (ACE / G~A / GODDESS)

soz was snooping.
just want to say dont build your hopes up about ld returning i was makeing some enqiries today, was told it was a rumour but time will tell..

I know I'm just b******g here but.......

Post 8

St Romani Angel Guardian of Crystals. Minister of Coffee now on the decaff!!

well I'm glad LD is coming backsmiley - biggrin

but the only prob for me is will I still be able to access it since im not with TW any moresmiley - sadface


I know I'm just b******g here but.......

Post 9

Researcher 232059


Aye, messagin was all it woz good for, chat was crap... so woz everythin else, it hardly worked... the library culd b fun... *Giggles At Herself* xxx

I know I'm just b******g here but.......

Post 10

St Romani Angel Guardian of Crystals. Minister of Coffee now on the decaff!!

what do you mean the library could be funsmiley - doh

it was fun "weg"smiley - laugh


I know I'm just b******g here but.......

Post 11

Researcher 232059


yeh, the library woz great... i had loads of fun last time...

I know I'm just b******g here but.......

Post 12

St Romani Angel Guardian of Crystals. Minister of Coffee now on the decaff!!

yeah me & my friends mainly used the library thro the day & PM at nightsmiley - laugh

we gave the poor mod many a headache smiley - tongueout

aaaah! the good old days "weg"smiley - biggrin


I know I'm just b******g here but.......

Post 13

Tiara.Kitten*Valentine Cat*

oh gawd yeah! i forgot about the library! so many fun arguments and discussions!xxxxx

I know I'm just b******g here but.......

Post 14

Cutiechops:0)...............' THE LOUNGS '.............NUMBER 1FAN''...;0)

serjsmiley - smooch

sooooo glad ur not leavin us babe....

LD---comin back???..wheyyyyheyyyyyy
smiley - boingsmiley - boingsmiley - boingsmiley - boing

I know I'm just b******g here but.......

Post 15

Researcher 232059


aye, i think it woz me who gav the moderator the biggest headache, i woz completely banned from using the library a few times...

I know I'm just b******g here but.......

Post 16

Jab [Since 29th November 2002]

If I had to pick just one thing I liked about you Serj....

It would be your ability to 'bounce back' even if you are having to deal with the dogma of legacy.

Luck would have it I don't have to pick just one thing, I like you're not just anoher AYM wearing blinkers.

There is some binary on my space at the mo, Have you worked out what it could decode to yet?

smiley - biggrin

I know I'm just b******g here but.......

Post 17

SerjTankian... Freelance Assassin for higher... (not hire)

Jab... ummm... thanks, lol...

Ahhhh... I knew there were some peeps I didn't add to list (for which I apologise)

Jab and Romani... soz about that...

Okay I've lost track of the backlog so here's the scoop...

No I'm not leaving... I was just "venting" my boredom...

LD is DEFINTELY coming back THIS YEAR but the exact date is not certain... but it WILL be back THIS YEAR...

I'm not sure if it is going to be a pay as you use site... but after losing £3million on yoome2 I don't think Telewest will charge...

But that's only IF it comes back on Telewest... which I am 95% certain it will...

I think that's about it... I hope I've cleared it up some more...

Thanks to all those who've messaged me...

Jab... I don't think I understood the whole "buncing back" bit... bouncing back from what I ask?? lol...

The binary on your page I've just looked at before writing this post... I'm not quite sure what it means as it doesn't give away any solid hints... but I'm guessing it may have something to do with the latin type above the binary...

See ya soon...

Serjsmiley - devil

I know I'm just b******g here but.......

Post 18

St Romani Angel Guardian of Crystals. Minister of Coffee now on the decaff!!

miss lula........the mod used to regularly send PM to me & my friends warning us if we did'nt stop with certain subjects she would bar us we used to behave for a short time then start again lmao

serj thanx for that bit of infosmiley - ok

jab are you gonna tell us wot the binary is then ? smiley - erm


I know I'm just b******g here but.......

Post 19

Anarchist in the U.K- I'm not a hippy, Its just a nickname

Someone please tell me what LD is. I just played along but know I kneed to know.

I know I'm just b******g here but.......

Post 20


Its called Leisure District

it was a chat room back about a year or 2 ago when we all used to go on and talk to each other and have a laught and play games send messages post jokes etc

Hope this helps

Html Works
smiley - ufo

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