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Belt up!!!

Post 1


I just looked out and a car went past,three children in the back..and NOT ONE wearing a beltsmiley - steam i noticed that the driver had his on thoughsmiley - grr
smiley - sorry i just needed a rantsmiley - steam

Belt up!!!

Post 2

lil ~ Auntie Giggles with added login ~ returned

Hope the police stop the car smiley - cross

smiley - hug Have a nice cuppa, Sal and calm down smiley - tea

Belt up!!!

Post 3


Aww,smiley - ta lil.I needed the smiley - tea!!

Belt up!!!

Post 4

lil ~ Auntie Giggles with added login ~ returned

I thought you might smiley - smiley

Belt up!!!

Post 5

I'm not really here

Oh yes one of my friends used to do that. smiley - steam She may still do but I don' see her driving them now. I expect her youngest should have gone back to using a booster with the change to the law but I bet she hasn't done it.

J gets annoyed if I so much as put the car in gear before he's got his belt on. That's brainwashing for you. smiley - bigeyes

Belt up!!!

Post 6


I don't drive that often, but the last time I did, I happend to glance in my rear view mirror while queueing in traffic and in the car behind me I noticed that not only were neither the driver or his passenger were wearing a seatbelt, but the passenger also had a small child sat on her lap.

This was in Lincolnshire where they have some of the worst accident stats in the country.

What is wrong with people!?

Belt up!!!

Post 7


Hi liz,how nice to hear from yousmiley - smiley
I live on a fairly busy road,and we have "humps" along it now.When they had only been in for a few days a car came up,with children in the back,and the driver ended up with them in the front....he obviously didn't know about the new humps!!!smiley - steam
It's an eye opener..there are people without seat belts almost all day,and on their phones as well!!!
As you said..what's wrong with people??

Belt up!!!

Post 8


My car threatens to implode if you don't buckle up smiley - biggrin It shouts and shouts and shouts until you do smiley - ok

Belt up!!!

Post 9


smiley - laugh
smiley - applause
I think ours bleeps Fb!!
I suppose that'd be their excuse if they were pulled over then...."the car didn't remind me"!!smiley - steam

Belt up!!!

Post 10

I'm not really here

Nearly every morning I see a woman driving past with a chihuahua on her lap. smiley - cross Quite apart from the fact that it might cause an accident, it's likely to be smashed against, if not through, the windscreen when it does.

Belt up!!!

Post 11


I'm with you too Smurfles, it makes me mad too. If they have no sense of the possible consequences, are they capable of 'reading' the road in front of them? I doubt it>doh> smiley - steam

Hope you have calmed down now with that nice cup of smiley - tea

smiley - cheers

Websailorsmiley - dragon

Belt up!!!

Post 12


While in the ambulance service I saw the unfortunate result of not wearing seat belts, some people were thrown through the windscreen and landed a good 30 feet in front of their carsmiley - erm

In fact on one occasion that had actually happened to a bloke, but he was so drunk he never got seriously injured, all he had was some bruises and small cuts! A pity the same could not be said for the occupants of the car he hit....smiley - sadfacesmiley - grr

smiley - cheersSmudger.

Belt up!!!

Post 13


Last week,quite locally,a car was in an accident.It said in the paper that one of the two people in it was pinned under the car,and the other was thrown out of the car,and found in the road.
In the next evenings paper ,it told that they were two youths,age 15 and 16,both obviously without seat belts.

Belt up!!!

Post 14


Yea! its a fact that some RTAs I have been at, where not wearing a seat belt actually saved the person, (being thrown well clear before impact)but I think that was just a one-of, as its a well known fact that you stand a better chance if you are wearing one smiley - oksmiley - winkeye

The main point being that you can get out as soon as possible, especially if fire is a risk at the timesmiley - ok

smiley - cheersSmudger.

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