This is the Message Centre for smurfles

How silly of me!!!

Post 1


I missed my third hootoo birthdaysmiley - sadfaceOnly by a couple of days,but it's the occasion when i get to say thank you to all my friends for been there,and being such lovely people.
So....smiley - bubblysmiley - stiffdrinksmiley - alesmiley - redwinesmiley - cheers,and smiley - hugs for all!!smiley - kiss

How silly of me!!!

Post 2

I'm not really here

smiley - hug Happy anniversary!

How silly of me!!!

Post 3

aka Bel - A87832164

Happy hootiversary sal, may there be many more to come smiley - cheers

smiley - bubblysmiley - cake

How silly of me!!!

Post 4

lil ~ Auntie Giggles with added login ~ returned

Happy Burpday Sal!! smiley - wow

smiley - divasmiley - bubblysmiley - disco

lil xx
smiley - magic

How silly of me!!!

Post 5


smiley - bubbly

Lovely knowing you, sal. Hope you'll stick around for many more anniversaries. smiley - smiley


How silly of me!!!

Post 6


Hi, Sal,

Happy Anniversarysmiley - bubbly Must check mine out. I reckon we have been around about the same length of time.

smiley - chocsmiley - bubblysmiley - applause NIce to know you. Keep iin touch.

smiley - hugsmiley - cuddle

Websailorsmiley - dragon

How silly of me!!!

Post 7


Yes, I've been lurking smiley - lurk here abouts (not just hootoo but other DNA sites) for around three years toosmiley - smiley.

A most excellent place with most excellent company.smiley - bubbly

Here's to another three years, eh Sal?smiley - cheers


How silly of me!!!

Post 8

JINTY. ...back in circulation again

heres to loads more great site plenty friendly people
no one is ever lonely when we have this site to visit
i must try and get on more
smiley - loveand smiley - hugsjinty

How silly of me!!!

Post 9

abbi normal "Putting on the Ritz" with Dr Frankenstein

smiley - somersault
Glad we met!
Happy Belated Hootoo Birthday!smiley - biggrin

How silly of me!!!

Post 10


Hi Sal not been on here for such a long time, will have to make the effort to visit here again. smiley - hug

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