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past,present...and future!

Post 1


I don't suppose this will be of much interest to others,but i felt the need to write down what i had been doing recently.
In 2001 i decided to try and trace my ancestors,just for something to do,as i don't get out very much.
I had a little dabble and spoke to a relative..(don't have many of those)who provided me with a basic family tree,which consisted mainly of just the blood line,parents,grandparents,etc!!!
I have found such a lot of information,and must have a large family out there somewhere....but it really is addictive.
Of course i knew i had a great grandfather,but i didn't know that he had five siblings,or that one of his siblings had nine children,who all married and had children!!
I starte off going back to find people,but now i'm finding myself going forward again....there has to be some of their descendants living !!
I thought all the family came from small local towns,but this week discovered my paternal grandmother was born in london,and had two brothers,both born in london too.
I'm looking forward to the warm i will have to go further afield than the computer to find some of my ancestors,but if you're bored give it a try,i'm sure you'll get hooked!!!

past,present...and future!

Post 2


Hey! that's good Smurflessmiley - ok
I was contacted last year by a cousin I never even knew I hadsmiley - erm
He had done a complete trace on our family, and found out that I was his second cousin. He and his wife came up to see us, and left me a copy of our family tree going right back to "doomsday"smiley - laugh it was 2" thicksmiley - ok

It turn out that I am the last of the line, as since I have no sons (twp daughters) that's the end of the Smith clansmiley - laughsmiley - winkeye
smiley - cheersSmudger,

past,present...and future!

Post 3



that's very interesting. I am scared to even try looking. My family is so complicated even one generation back, I wouldn't have the time or energy now. It must be very interesting though.


Smudger, wot no little Smudges? Oh, that's sad. Are you sure there aren't any more you've missed.smiley - winkeye

smiley - cheers
Websailorsmiley - dragon

past,present...and future!

Post 4

aka Bel - A87832164

Can't a woman keep your name when getting married ? They can here, but seldom do.

past,present...and future!

Post 5



Yes, they can and it is becoming more and nore popular here to have double barrelled names - no longer the preserve of the rich and well connected!

Websailorsmiley - dragon

past,present...and future!

Post 6

JINTY. ...back in circulation again

any millioners in the family i'm looking for a rich old man to look after me i'm really low maintence but like a shilling in my purse for emergences
take care everyone
jinty smiley - hug

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