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what's wrong with people!!

Post 1


smiley - steamsmiley - cross
I had a new wall built,about three years ago,and it wasn't cheapsmiley - sadface.It is quite a long,high wall,and faces the houses that run along the side of mine,so i was pleased they had a nice wall to look at(the last one was a bit tatty).
This evening one of the neighbours asked me what had happened to the wall
Someone has spray painted it,with red and blue paint,just meaningless vandalism.What's wrong with people seems so senseless.
I hope they took the canns home,and they blow up while theyre practising their writing skills on their own walls!!

what's wrong with people!!

Post 2


Sorry to hear about this Smurfles. smiley - sadface It's likely that the people that did this had no consideration at all for the sense of invasion of privacy that you feel as a result.

smiley - hug

what's wrong with people!!

Post 3

abbi normal "Putting on the Ritz" with Dr Frankenstein

Sorry that happened to you smurfles.

Sadly, it is so common here, there is a Graffitti teamsmiley - erm
You can call the city number and they paint it for you, often the same day. They will use white to cover it so you still need to paint yourself if the white is not good.The hubby used to paint what he saw if it appeared in our neighborhood. Would you possibly have a city service like that?

what's wrong with people!!

Post 4

psychocandy-moderation team leader

I'm sorry that happened to your wall, as well. Our graffiti teams here only cover public property- private property is the homeowner's responsibility. It's never happened to me since I moved into the city, but when I was growing up in the suburbs, it was extremely commonplace, so I can kind of sympathize, Smurfles. It's terribly rude to destroy another person's property and leave them with the financial burden of removing the damage. smiley - sadface

what's wrong with people!!

Post 5

abbi normal "Putting on the Ritz" with Dr Frankenstein

O O O HI PC *waves*
I have not been able to post ,so I'll say hello while I can!smiley - ok
I have read your posts but rarely get my body and the site to work at the same time lately.

what's wrong with people!!

Post 6

psychocandy-moderation team leader

>I have read your posts but rarely get my body and the site to work at the same time lately<

I'm wondering which one's been the least cooperative, my dear! It's always good to see you, thanks for saying hello. I appreciate that you can't always post a reply, but am grateful to know you're still reading along.

Smurfles, I haven't heard from you much since you returned from Florida. How have you been, aside from vandals wrecking your wall? I hope you are keeping well. smiley - smiley

what's wrong with people!!

Post 7


Which side of the wall was sprayed, smurfles? Your side, or the neighbour's side? How did the graffiti vandals get access?

Don't you just despair of kids who need to show they exist by doing things like that? smiley - sadface Bad news, sal smiley - hug

what's wrong with people!!

Post 8


hi everyone,
PC.I am smiley - sorry.ihadn't realised that i hadn't posted,liike abbi i have read your threads,i must make the time to pop and have a chat with you!!smiley - smiley
Fb,the wall runs the full length of the drive,and as i am the end house nobody shares it .There ia an access road on the other side of the wall,just wide enough for a car,then a row of terrace houses on the other side,so when they look out , after their gardens, most of them just see my garden wall.
I suppose a lot of people would think it's only a wallsmiley - sillybut it cost a lot of money,where they have sprayed it's eight foot high,and thirty foot long,and that's just the part where the back garden is!!!!It's also a double retainng wall.and on my side is the vegetable patch,raised with sleepers, and the greenhouse.If the wall had to be rebuilt it would ruin the garden,which i had landscaped for hubby as a present!!smiley - steam
smiley - crosssmiley - cross

what's wrong with people!!

Post 9


Sorry to hear about your wall Smurfles, but at least its still standing? Not like the one round the corner form us. The couple built this summer, as the kids were always gathering there, and destroyed their old hedge, in fact they used it as a dustbin and then later pulled patches of it out altogethersmiley - wah
So they went to the expense of building a wall, it only lasted a few weeks, as the kids even managed to tear that down as wellsmiley - erm
Nice neighbourhood this Eh!smiley - ermsmiley - sadface
smiley - cheersSmudger,

what's wrong with people!!

Post 10


I am so sorry you have had such a mess made of your wall. These vandals don't seem to like blank walls. It seems to be an invitation to mess it up.

On top of your holiday woes you must be really fed up. Still, what's done is done, no good fretting over it, except that cleaning up is such a costly business, especially on such a huge wall.

Perhaps you can find someone who would do it for just the cost of the materials?

smiley - cheers

Websailorsmiley - dragon

what's wrong with people!!

Post 11


I am still smiley - cross,the wall cost £2,000.I think we're insured,but if all else fails we'll have to stone paint it....then they'll have another blank they can start all over again!
True though ,no good fretting over it,it can't be undone.smiley - sadface

what's wrong with people!!

Post 12

aka Bel - A87832164

I'm smiley - sorry smurfles.smiley - hug Happens here all the time - although there are certain areas where they're allowed to spray, the spray on house walls - and not the artistic stuff, just the f**k words, and in very poor spelling, too smiley - grr

what's wrong with people!!

Post 13

Paganmoon - Crazy as Ever

Sal... smiley - hug
smiley - bleepin smiley - bleeps.... Just no consideration these days...
As for repainting it, as you say, it would just give them another blank canvass..
Sounds as if your on a corner like us... Our back garden wall, (side of) runs parrellel with the back gates n walls of other properties... There's a "backs" that seperate us...
Have the cops suggested owt luv???

what's wrong with people!!

Post 14

Researcher 1214535

Hi Smurfles
sorry to hear about your wall ... I have a wall round my front garden and earlier this year someone pushed a portion of it over. It's hard to explain how it makes you feel isn't it? I was upset and much more upset than I really should have been - I think it makes you feel vulnerable which isn't a good feeling smiley - sadface
Anyway ... sending you a smiley - hug for support

what's wrong with people!!

Post 15


You've explained a lot better than me sheryl...thats just how the houses are !!!smiley - applause The police said there wasn't much they could do...and they're right in this case,they just gave me a crime number,and told me to contact our insurance!!!
I have to be fair though,they WERE very busy ,if i'd known i don't think i'd have rung till today.They must have all been out ,dealing with the shooting in our town!!smiley - cry

what's wrong with people!!

Post 16

Paganmoon - Crazy as Ever

Sal... Glad I could explain summat, I'm usually all over the shop...
Aye, a sad state of affairs the shooting in your town.. smiley - sadface Thought about you when I saw it on the news, just hoped you weren't nearby.. smiley - hug
As for your wall, don't suppose that rough masonry paint would make any difference would it??? Unless maybe you could use a darker colour, but then they'd come back wi' white I suppose... smiley - sadface

what's wrong with people!!

Post 17

lil ~ Auntie Giggles with added login ~ returned

Sal, if you are not insured, it might be cheaper to hire a power washer with a solvent.. I am sure that is what the insurance company will do anyway... smiley - hug

what's wrong with people!!

Post 18


You could always do what the council did in Kirkcaldy recently. There was a wall on the side of a building that was always being hit by the graffiti brigade. So instead of cleaning it off constantly, the council got a really good graffiti crowd in, who painted on a beautiful murel that was so good, the yobs left it alonesmiley - cheers Its a picture of the two bridges done with aerosols.
Apparently the people who did were held in high esteem by all the youngsterssmiley - coolsmiley - ok
smiley - cheersSmudger,

what's wrong with people!!

Post 19

Universal Granny

We had an excellent piece of graffitti sprayed on the side of a corner shop near me.

The locals were torn between being angry that someone had had the audacity to spray the wall, and amazed at the quality and intricacy of the picture, especially as it appeared overnight.

It is not an enormous picture (about 10 foot long and 5 foot high) but the perpetrator also sprayed a simple message at the bottom, outside the frame, which reads "Leave be - Respect".

It has not been interfered with in the 5 years it has been there, and has cheered up a very dull corner.

Doesn't sound as though the "artists" in your case can be thus credited, Smurfles, and I would be beside myself with anger had that happened to me. When my daughter suffered from vandals constantly daubing her garage door, she found some anti-graffiti paint which did the trick - nothing sticks to it, so they go and find somewhere easier to deface.

Will Mistral soon, and catch up.

Take care smiley - hugUG

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