This is the Message Centre for Jimcracker7[ gone altogether. im my home from home.

if what i did tonight, was a good thing, why do i feel bad.

Post 1

Jimcracker7[ gone altogether. im my home from home.

I did something earlier tonight, more in fear, than getting involved.
i have a young neibour to the right of me, who for months, as been doing strange and weird things at times. and as drove my neibour to the other side of him mad, with latenight music.
till tonight i stayed away from the situation, then something happened that scared me to death
when i was about twelve i came home from school one day, to see a fire engine, pulling up outside my house. the chimney was on fire, and embers where falling on the houses either side, the firemen quickly sprayed the roof to stop them setting on fire. then sorted the soot in our chimney that was on fire.
when i got home tonight, the lad had chopped his front fence down, and was burning some in an open grate, after removing the gas fire, i found out later.
i rang a mate to say he had chopped the fence down, and my mate said, he saw earlier black, thick, smoke, and flames from the chimney(my mate lives behind to the right of me).
then i smelt the acrid smoke myself, and when i looked out there was the same black smoke beltching out again.
the thought of when i was twelve, made me ring the police, they sent the liason officer to check him out, and sort the situation before he set fire to the house.
she the l,officer, went to see the house, and imediatley got the main police, he had she said, had no income for months, no proper heating, and sold nearly all the stuff in the house for food.
there was bills for the lecy, and luckly it was still on.
apparently he was registered as having mental problems, but nothing had been done.
he as gone for an assesment, and the family, re his sister will be contacted.
the l officer said i had done the right thing, and may have even saved his life, as i said he had writhed the gas firs out, and she found that someone was going to get the gas back next week.
so if the gas came on, with an open fire, or he was in bed, i dont even want to think what would have happened to him and maybe me and the other side neibour.
i know, or think i did the right thing, but i still feel bad.
smiley - dragon jimbob

if what i did tonight, was a good thing, why do i feel bad.

Post 2


Jim, I am sure you did the right thing. You would never have forgiven yourself if something worse had happened, and it might have affected other houses too. I think most people would feel as if they were 'telling tales' but there are times when it is necessary, and he clearly needed professional help. maybe now he will get it.

Sleep well and don't worry about it.

smiley - hug

Websailor smiley - dragon

if what i did tonight, was a good thing, why do i feel bad.

Post 3

Jimcracker7[ gone altogether. im my home from home.

thanks websailor
when it sank in, that if the gas had been returned, and the fire disconected,all four, (as my mate other side as a wife)could have been, in the line of any repercusions.
,smiley - dragon jimbob xx

if what i did tonight, was a good thing, why do i feel bad.

Post 4


Not only has he got the help he needs, you have to think that If you hadnt, you too could be homeless when the houses caught fire.
Your timing was impeccable. smiley - smileysmiley - hug

if what i did tonight, was a good thing, why do i feel bad.

Post 5

Jimcracker7[ gone altogether. im my home from home.

thanks helen
fire was the last thing on my mind when the l officer said, the gas was to be back on this week,
i wouldnt only be homeless, but injured or dead, unless i was out down town. the l officer said she would call by to see if the address for a friend or relation worked out i gave her, so ide better make shure she doesnt let them reconect the gas, or anything can happen, smiley - dragon jimbob

if what i did tonight, was a good thing, why do i feel bad.

Post 6

lil ~ Auntie Giggles with added login ~ returned

Jim, what you did tonight probably saved your neighbours life. He obviously needs a lot of help. Care in the Community is all well and good when people are aware of it, this time a needy soul needed someone to care. smiley - cuddle

Btw, don't worry about the gas. It can only be cut off from inside of the premises, unlike the electricity. To reinstate the supply, the gasboard needs to gain access to the meter, then they have to check that ALL appliances are in full working order before they leave - my ex husband used to work for the gasboard smiley - ok

lil x

if what i did tonight, was a good thing, why do i feel bad.

Post 7

Reality Manipulator

Jim, It was a very good thing that you did.

Would you have to get intouch with either Transco, Centrica
or the national grid for them to come around and cut off the gas supply?

if what i did tonight, was a good thing, why do i feel bad.

Post 8

Jimcracker7[ gone altogether. im my home from home.

hi lil
unfornunatly, his house as the outside gas meter, its in a box at the back.
what i can do, is put a note in or on the box, that the gasfire as been ripped away, and there could be an exposed pipe.
my mate as a laminator for his work, so i can cover any note to protect from the weather.
smiley - dragon jimbob x

if what i did tonight, was a good thing, why do i feel bad.

Post 9

Jimcracker7[ gone altogether. im my home from home.

hi kat
from the way the officer put it, the gas was off, whether it ran out, and he couldnt top up, or turned off, it will be at the back in the meter box. smiley - dragon jimbob xx

if what i did tonight, was a good thing, why do i feel bad.

Post 10

lil ~ Auntie Giggles with added login ~ returned

I'm sure they would appreciate the warning, Jim smiley - smiley

lil x

if what i did tonight, was a good thing, why do i feel bad.

Post 11

Jimcracker7[ gone altogether. im my home from home.

i,ll wait till the l officer calls tomz, if not, i,ll print a note before tomz night, incase anyone does come on monday.
i have the number for the report, and where to ring. i have a sneaky suspicion, they wont keep him in for long,from what the officer said, he,s been in before a few times.smiley - dragon jimbob

if what i did tonight, was a good thing, why do i feel bad.

Post 12

Prof Animal Chaos.C.E.O..err! C.E.Idiot of H2G2 Fools Guild (Official).... A recipient of S.F.L and

you were right Jimsmiley - smileyhelp for the lad and for the protection of neighbours if the house had gone up in flames
you did the right thing at the right timesmiley - ok

if what i did tonight, was a good thing, why do i feel bad.

Post 13

Jimcracker7[ gone altogether. im my home from home.

hi all
why do they say keep an eye on what the neibours that need the help, when in less than 12 hurs he was back home, and odds are he will be setting a fire to keep warm at anytime.
he is a danger to himself, and me and the mate the otherside, attached to his house.
i have a mate in the house behind, and to the right of me, who is watching for any sign of the smoke and matbe embers coming from the chimney.
it might be futile, but if he does, im straight on the phone,if any blows on my roof, and gets in to the loft area, its not only me but the ajoining neibour that could be afire.
smiley - dragon jimbob

if what i did tonight, was a good thing, why do i feel bad.

Post 14


It is amazing how quickly they are back when clearly a danger to themselves and others. Do as you suggested and take care.

Websailor smiley - dragon

if what i did tonight, was a good thing, why do i feel bad.

Post 15

Jimcracker7[ gone altogether. im my home from home.

hi websailor
the odds are the police that took him, just dropped him off, as a danger at the time, and didnt say why in detail, the no food, heat, and the house is, from what the l officer said, all but empty in the front room at least.
there as been a van with two men in come about an hour ago, and went in for 15 mins, and then drove off. he came out, with the same black hooded coat on, he always wears, and went off towards the main road. smiley - dragon jimbob x

if what i did tonight, was a good thing, why do i feel bad.

Post 16

Pierre de la Mer ~ sometimes slightly worried but never panicking ~

you did well, my friend. think no more about it smiley - hug

smiley - pirate

if what i did tonight, was a good thing, why do i feel bad.

Post 17

Reality Manipulator

Jim I wonder what help he will eventually receive. I have tried to look on the internet but did not find anything.

if what i did tonight, was a good thing, why do i feel bad.

Post 18

Jimcracker7[ gone altogether. im my home from home.

hi kat
the problem is that he as always lived with his mother, and while she was ill, (he was till the white stuff,) her carer, as she was termanally ill with cancer.
as the situation with him and his mother, the family must have decided, when his mother passed on, to wash their hands.
he had no idea how to look after himself, and things have got worse.
unless he is taken in hand, someone helps him to do what he needs to do, he will just carry on, as they have now sent him back at least three times.
in his family, if you are disowened or ignored, there i one chance, he burned the passport, so the chance to get him back to his homeland as gone.
so unless they do something this time, its in the hands of the future. smiley - dragon jimbob xx

if what i did tonight, was a good thing, why do i feel bad.

Post 19


Hi Jimbob,

You certainly had a "narrow shave". Your timely action definitely saved the neighbourhood from some serious damage.

DS smiley - smiley

if what i did tonight, was a good thing, why do i feel bad.

Post 20

Jimcracker7[ gone altogether. im my home from home.

hi ds
about mid afternoon, two men came with a piece of aliminium plate, i think they have sealed the fireplace, but i think he will as it gets colder, rip it down.
hopefuly someone will now be looking into what to do. but its been months now. and nothing.
if the people that where calling each night at one time, had helped to stop the mess he was making, instaed of just coming and going 15 later. he wouldnt have been in the mess he is.
ive gave him, small help like, milk, teabags, sugar, but he was always at the door, i had to stop
when he started to do crazy thing, ei now, chopping the fence down, i had to thik of myself, and the family stopped coming over a month ago. smiley - dragon jimbob

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if what i did tonight, was a good thing, why do i feel bad.

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