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ok,ome clean"who or what killed halloween

Post 1

Jimcracker7[ gone altogether. im my home from home.

for more years than i can remember i get 20p,s for the door knockers on the 31st.
over the last 6 or 7 years, it been less and less.
last night had to be the worst yet, only six, came to the door, and in sets of two, with a family nearby.
i live on a very large estate, and beleive me there are many young kids about. but last night they didnt seem to be around.
is it that trick or treat, is a bygone, or is it games and internet, facebook, and others, that was more inviting.
one year, about 8 years ago, i gave out in 20p's, over £8.ive always left the light on, and watched for the little, dressed up kids, with the black binbags, and little lanterns and so on.
if last night was anything to go by, at least on my estate.
halloween, is dead, and gone.
,smiley - dragon jim

ok,ome clean"who or what killed halloween

Post 2


Trick or treating is very unpopular in some areas, and there are concerns about children out in the dark on their own too. Glad yours are accompanied. We didn't have any this year, but lots of fireworks probably because it looked like being the last dry day for a while. It is wet and blustery today.

Websailor smiley - dragon

ok,ome clean'who or what killed halloween

Post 3

Jimcracker7[ gone altogether. im my home from home.

hi webby
i heard a few fireworks to.
ive spoken on the phone to my neice, a mate, a friend this morning, and they had only a few at the door.
as you said, could be the way things are noadys, what people see in the paper, even old men, like me, they are just passing by. the worlds getting more paraniod now. ,smiley - dragon jim xx
we have just had two hrs of heavy rain here to.

ok,ome clean'who or what killed halloween

Post 4


The tick or treaters have moved in to my estate instead smiley - laugh

ok,ome clean'who or what killed halloween

Post 5

Jimcracker7[ gone altogether. im my home from home.

sorry helen
but i cant ask you to direct here, 31st gone for another,will there every be a year that not one turns up at the door.
maybe we should take a leaf from the usa, and just give sweets, then we can have the mothers, blaming us for the poor teeth lol smiley - dragon jim xx

ok,ome clean'who or what killed halloween

Post 6

Pierre de la Mer ~ sometimes slightly worried but never panicking ~

a friend came by with his kids while i was visiting a mutual friend yesterday

trick or treating never caught on here before

but i remember going trick or treating in several pubs on new years eve when i was a little kid (that was the custom in germany - well, at least the northern parts of it where i lived). all the ladies in the bars loved me to death and made their boyfriends pay up and i came home with more money than i can remember smiley - rofl

my father laughed his socks off when he heard that i just went into all the pubs i could think of. he was very proud of me smiley - biggrin

smiley - pirate

ok,ome clean'who or what killed halloween

Post 7

Reality Manipulator

Jimsmiley - dragon

I remember Halloween up in Northumberland and it were only celebrated in individual peoples homes, you could not buy any fancy dress as you had to make up yourself and it was like that when I lived in Northumberland. But now people are celebrating Guy Fawkes several months before the day and where I live last night it was more like a guy fawkes night. There were children and some adults in fancy dress and someone was counting (when I was on the bus) 17 private houses and one public house which had halloween decorations.

I only found out about trick or treating when I was in Scotand and that was in the the early 90's and I had not heard about it before. People say it's an American tradition but I have heard that the American's got the idea from the Irish immigrants who moved to the States.

ok,ome clean'who or what killed halloween

Post 8


I don't think Halloween has died as such, more that the emphasis is more on the 'adults'. For example, the place was absolutely filled with students in costume last night, & the party next door only finished at 6.30am (which kept me up, but because it was an occassion, I let them off on the noise contamination aspect)smiley - smiley. I only knew I could get my head down when Frank Sinatra's 'New York, New York' was played. That was at 6.30am - pretty considerate really, I thinksmiley - erm. Considerining it was like a pub out doors & a night club indoors, I'm peeved I wasn't invited - not really. Their music really wasn't my style, but in their defence, it did rattle through my gas fire in a most rhythmic waysmiley - drumrollsmiley - raisedeyebrow

ok,ome clean'who or what killed halloween

Post 9


Halloween hasnt died, It has become more commercialised.
The queue in the dressing up shop was enormous on Saturday morning and only one person on the till. Some were spendding an absolute fortune smiley - yikes
It also started early in Wellington(Shropshire) as several people were already dressed up as they did their shopping. A long time before the witching hour. The staff at Wilkinsons also put on a wonderful display of witch sales assistants smiley - laugh

smiley - rose

ok,ome clean'who or what killed halloween

Post 10

Jimcracker7[ gone altogether. im my home from home.

hi all,ptp
although it called trick or treat, here most give them a few pennies, some still give sweets
the trick or treat, is american i think, and if a grumpy person wont give them sweets, they are known to ring the bell, and throw flour in the persons face.
smiley - dragon jim

ok,ome clean'who or what killed halloween

Post 11

Prof Animal Chaos.C.E.O..err! C.E.Idiot of H2G2 Fools Guild (Official).... A recipient of S.F.L and

ask a kid here what their trick is and they'll look at you in a baffled stare, they ain't got a clue what "trick or treat" is, it's knock at the door and get money or sweets

ok,ome clean'who or what killed halloween

Post 12

Jimcracker7[ gone altogether. im my home from home.

its funny you say that prof, in the shop the other day, i said to a kid, are you going trick or treating, and he asked, whats that lol,it was pointless to explain.
the flour part, i seem to remember from a film, could have been, little women, i checked it on the net, and it was right.smiley - dragon jim

ok,ome clean'who or what killed halloween

Post 13

Prof Animal Chaos.C.E.O..err! C.E.Idiot of H2G2 Fools Guild (Official).... A recipient of S.F.L and

I never had one knock at the door again

reason:-smiley - evilgrinsign on front door = "no trick or treaters thank you"

ok,ome clean'who or what killed halloween

Post 14

Jimcracker7[ gone altogether. im my home from home.

better watch out, if it an aremican lad one year, could be the flour in the mush lol smiley - dragon. jim

ok,ome clean'who or what killed halloween

Post 15

Pierre de la Mer ~ sometimes slightly worried but never panicking ~

we did not do trick or treating, we sang a certain old folk song

but now that i think about it, my singing probably was so bad they paid up immediately smiley - biggrin

smiley - pirate

ok,ome clean'who or what killed halloween

Post 16

Jimcracker7[ gone altogether. im my home from home.

hi ptp
my tv as gone kaput altogether, just a green screen, ive an engineer booked to come anytime after 9am this morning.
for now im having to use the tv combi, its hard to see the ruddy text lol
here they just ring the beel, or knock on the door, and shout, trick or treat.but some dont even know what trick or treat is.smiley - dragon jim

ok,ome clean'who or what killed halloween

Post 17

Pierre de la Mer ~ sometimes slightly worried but never panicking ~

yeah, things are not as they used to be smiley - erm

but there are both upsides and downsides to that fact smiley - zen

for one thing i might not still have my youngest kids were it not for modern medicine smiley - ok

you can't argue that!

not that i thought you would

smiley - pirate

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