A Conversation for Battletech

Peer Review: A969069 - Battletech

Post 1

Cpt. Machine

Entry: Battletech - A969069
Author: Cpt. Machine - U216520

This is a describtion and history of the battletech board/war game and the products it has spawned over the years (and there are many)

A969069 - Battletech

Post 2

Mikey the Humming Mouse - A3938628 Learn More About the Edited Guide!

Have you seen the entry we currently have in the Edited Guide on the Battletech computer game? It's at A455302. It seems like there's a decent amount of material in both entries -- you might consider finding a unique focus for yours, so that it doesn't cover as much of the same ground.

This is definitely a good start, though!

smiley - mouse

A969069 - Battletech

Post 3

Cpt. Machine

The idea is to give a complete run down of the game of battletech and a complete history (as its quite intresting) along with all the spin-offs a small board game managed.
To be fair the other entry just explains the baackground for the video game, and while its the same universe diesn't cover the prgression of the hobby.

Also the game was called "Mechwarrior" not "Battletech"

A969069 - Battletech

Post 4


Maybe a bit more on the 1/300 scale model minitures for this game?

A969069 - Battletech

Post 5

Spelugx the Beige, Wizard, Perl, Thaumatologically Challenged

Has there been any more progress on this article? I'm not quite sure it's ready to go into the guide myself, it needs some more comments made on it in PR first.

spelugx -- <./>scout</.>

A969069 - Battletech

Post 6

Mikey the Humming Mouse - A3938628 Learn More About the Edited Guide!

This one will be FM eligible on Sunday, I believe.

smiley - mouse

A969069 - Battletech

Post 7

There is only one thing worse than being Gosho, and that is not being Gosho

*Makes a note*

A969069 - Battletech

Post 8


As I know the researcher IRL, I'll see if I can encourage him to do something with this. However this won't be until next week. He hasn't been on H2G2 for a while... smiley - boing

A969069 - Battletech

Post 9

Mikey the Humming Mouse - A3938628 Learn More About the Edited Guide!

We don't mind waiting a bit. smiley - biggrin Especially if we know there's a real, live author out there, who might theoretically return.

smiley - cheers

A969069 - Battletech

Post 10

Cpt. Machine

Hi guys Zucchini had a chat with me and I would like to see that go in the guide and maybe some more in the future.

As for how the guide is I would like to know what it is missing? I've included every aspect of the hobby I could grasp and as far as I'm aware has a suiteable chunk decated to the background so a novice can get something out of this.

To be fair can I have some constructive crisitum (go wild I don't mind), so far I've only had a comment about the models which resulted in that part of the entry being expanded.

A969069 - Battletech

Post 11

Mikey the Humming Mouse - A3938628 Learn More About the Edited Guide!

Okay, so here are the suggestions I would have for improvement at this point:

Right now, the structure and flow of the entry is pretty confusing for the reader. I would try splitting it up into some sections, with headers, like:

The History of Battletech

The Makers of Battletech

How to Play Battletech

Or somesuch -- whatever you think would work best, but with a paragraph or two under each header.

I would give some information about how long this has been around -- you talk about the "heyday of board games", but I want an actual year if possible. I'm nitpicky like that. smiley - winkeye

I'd also love to see some links. A link to the Edited Guide entry on the computer game. External links to really good sites -- the Battletech Online Sourcebook looks pretty spiffy to me, is actually accurate and useful? Classicbattletech.com looked like another good one.

I think this entry has a lot of potential, but it still needs some elbow grease. smiley - cheers


A969069 - Battletech

Post 12


Cpt. Machine hasn't posted anywhere since May 26. I suspect he may have left the building.

Time for a move to the Flea Market?


A969069 - Battletech

Post 13


It's a shame as I've just found a load of Battletech info which would go nicely on here.
If you wanna move this to FM, I'll see if I can get in touch with the good Cpt. and ask permission to re-write this on my own then add him as a contributing researcher.

A969069 - Battletech

Post 14

Mikey the Humming Mouse - A3938628 Learn More About the Edited Guide!

Well, I'll move that this be moved to the FM, especially since we seem to have a willing taker!

Any scouts around to second?

smiley - mouse

A969069 - Battletech

Post 15

Zak T Duck

Yep I'll second that motion.

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