This is the Message Centre for BB..GAY FEM N PROUD :0)

to friends

Post 1

BB..GAY FEM N PROUD :0) really sorry ive not answered any msgs lately its cause our keyboard broke n ive been waitin 3 or 4 weeks for telewest to send one but its still not arrived plz bare with me in replyin as i have to use the remote
ur friend lisa

to friends

Post 2

Cutiechops:0)...............' THE LOUNGS '.............NUMBER 1FAN''...;0)

smiley - wahi av 2use a remote all the timesmiley - wah
smiley - wah& id noticed ud not been onsmiley - wah..
smiley - hughope ur wellsmiley - hug

smiley - diva

to friends

Post 3


hi em
im not to bad smiley - ta got thumb ache smiley - wah hope ur ok i bet u get fed up with usin a remote ill b glad when the k.board comes
takecare spk soon
ur friend lisa

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Post 4

Reefgirl (Brunel Baby)

Hi and welcome back, I've been wondering where you've been smiley - hugs & smiley - cuddles

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Post 5

Reality Manipulator

smiley - hughi lisa i am sorry that you are still waiting for telewest to send you a keyboard.smiley - hug i hope that it will arrive soon.smiley - hug


to friends

Post 6


smiley - hug aww sweetie i was wondering where ya goned smiley - wah hurry back soon hun smiley - hug

Hey Kat smiley - hug

Hey Em smiley - hug

Hey other person smiley - hug

LoZ smiley - ghost xxxx

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