This is the Message Centre for Boots

A new life

Post 1


Won't even go there now but have missed you all loads. new beginnings, lots of stuff bforenthe new beginnings will post again soon

A new life

Post 2


Wo boots

Don't go thinking I'm permanently hooked into hootoo now will you?
This is pure coincidence...

Talk soon

Pinsmiley - winkeye

A new life

Post 3


Pin!!! Good to see you are still here! Life moves on. Day job is terminal, love life is moribund but I have started a part time MA course in writing for screen and theatre....LOVING IT! How are you? Are you still writing? How is the Wedell? Ben got married!!! How cool is that?!!! Good to be back x
PS The fetish exploration was a one and only but the nearly brnging down an mp story is divine! A tale of 'like mother like daughter' when it comes to photocopying and sending out letters!

A new life

Post 4


Yeah, the fetish stuff was a bit strong for a repressed individual like me. I'm attending an industrial metallurgy conference at the moment (The 4th International Conference on Recrystallisation and Grain Growth, no less). I was tempted to add a description of my less-than-exciting evening at the poster session to your journal by way of a little contrast, but decided it was better not to cramp your style.

I'm still writing, and still with the same level of commercial success. Ben got married indeed. She thinks she's shocked me into avoiding her or something, so I'm letting her for a while. The Weddell is well, though she lost her job and has become a disciple of Alys Fowler, so at least my diet is improving even as our spending power dwindles to nothing. Scrof has just completed her degree (1st Class Hons, and very probably the worst in the faculty, just like her Dad). Verm has finished her AS levels and so we have one more year till our kids go off and make us feel irredeemably ancient.

The course sounds well cool. Maybe one day, I might do something like that, although training to be a blacksmith would be first choice. Even though the only authentic practitioner I know reckons I'm just too puny.

A new life

Post 5


Oh Pin 'tis good that life is well and you have two offsprung to be proud of (and a good diet imposed by the Wedell). College is a pure sin. I adore, and am so grateful for. Not even sure I ever want to write a play or a film but the learning curve is like nectar to a drowning man, whose teeth are faling out and whose face more closely resembles a road map! Students are a wonderful eclectic tribe, ages range from 25 to 74 and backgrounds wonderfully diverse. You must sign up. Life is too short not to try and live a dream!

A new life

Post 6


It's all about meeting people really, and about being free to try things. I'm really lucky because I get both those privileges in my job. I even get paid for practising them (though the Monstrous Regiment would assert not enough, and that I ought to get a proper job and gild their lives with the proceedings).

In fact the only trouble with being as old and wise and fulfilled as we are is that staying awake at 1 pm is no longer easy, unless of course you're an eternally-young City girl.

Tell you what. I'm off to bed before I fall off my chair. I do so in the fervent hope that it won't be another two years till you show up in hootoo again. That a deal? Not too much to ask, is it?

(and I'd like two complementary tickets for your debut production, please)

A new life

Post 7


Boots, what a wonderful surprise to find a post from you. I'm too tired to digest it right now. Later.


A new life

Post 8

Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor

smiley - cheerup

A new life

Post 9

Trout Montague

Fret not, my tongue still wags.
I'd say I maintain a soft spot for you
but zut alors tis never soft.

A new life

Post 10


Hiya boots. Good to hear from you. I still check here a few times a week, just on the off-chance I see a post like this to brighten my day. smiley - smiley

A new life

Post 11


Trout you are a reprobate! Good to see you again.
Are you still enjoying the Antipodes?

A new life

Post 12


Hey Jordan Good to hear from you too. How is life treating you these days? Are you a hugely successful writer and have thou a good life!

A new life

Post 13


Hypatia, good too see you too! Will catch up soon once I get my first college assignment put to bed.

A new life

Post 14


Hi Galaxy. Hope all good with you, winks and waves...completely fogotten how to use smileys! x

A new life

Post 15


Hi boots, fellow conspirator from the secret Surrey meet! So pleased to find you're back here and posting!
smiley - bluefish

A new life

Post 16


Hey Coelacanth! Good to see you! Hope all is good. Think another meeto should be on the cards. What say you? x

A new life

Post 17


Sounds good to me! Are you still Surrey based? I'm in the Garden of England, with a mostly empty nest. smiley - chick
smiley - bluefish

A new life

Post 18


Aye still Surrey but have a friend who lives in the garden so can always drive a way. Ben is somewhere a long way away but am hoping she will be paying a visit soon.

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