This is the Message Centre for Boots

OK I give up

Post 1


Isn't it bad enough that I have spent the past few months travelling around the planet with a bunch of maladjusted fish, sheep, birds, aquatics and disfunctional humans?
No, obviously not. Trust me real life is merely a parody of the NSS. that or the story is more real than reality.
Today I have been travelling in a brain. A brain on a white board. My travelling companions include, on the lower deck a crocodile who is apparently there to take care of me. Move up a deck and we meet the rabbit who's function I have yet to comprehend. The top deck is split into two rooms. A bearded ageing hippy with a predilection for throwing coloured paper into the air lives in the room on the right and the room on the left is occupied by a pen pushing bureaucrat. The ageing hippy's paper finds its way into the bureaucrat's room by way of a donkey bridge...and I thought we had lost the plot!

'Tense? Why should I be tense? Presently I am perfectly calm though I fear in the future I could become progressively irritated and we are not even going to discuss my past!'

Apostrophes are my nocturnal retail therapy. I don't suppose they have a black one in a size ten?

I'd better ask tomorrow.

OK I give up

Post 2


You're through the looking glass now smiley - bigeyes So don't look back...

smiley - blacksheep

OK I give up

Post 3


It was actually good fun, Wolf. Hurt the head more than a decent bottle of red and I fear there is a lot of 'Blue Petering' to come, but the other students are great, diverse, but great and the tutors are excellent. It is just going to be very hard methinks. Hey! I can do hard! No! I don't mean it that way, Trout! (You have to be so careful with words on this site).
take care

OK I give up

Post 4

LL Waz

Boots smiley - smiley, good to see you.

Are you, by any chance, feeling a bit...tense? Just wondering.

Sounds like some wonderful sources for tales. Do they know you write? They should, in fairness, be warned.

OK I give up

Post 5


Two proper writers on the course Waz. One ex Sunday Times and one technical clever stuff, so I thought it prudent to be introvert...won't last but will afford me observation time. Yes, great material, will try and log some of the characters and occurances but really do think most evenings are going to be spent toning up the brain...I do so hate exercise smiley - winkeye
Take care
boots (off to bed)

OK I give up

Post 6


You go, girl!
smiley - ok

OK I give up

Post 7

LL Waz

Sunday Times? Tech stuff? Pah! as the sheep would say. They wind you up, you can splash them all over the world wide web!

OK I give up

Post 8


Keep at it, Boots! I shall look forward to Tales from the Classroom smiley - winkeye

OK I give up

Post 9


Boots, stop stressing and just enjoy. smiley - smooch

Hsmiley - rainbow

OK I give up

Post 10


Tales from the classroom? smiley - winkeye Stressing? Would that be stressing the beginning of the word or the end of the word? smiley - winkeye
take care
steeped in tenses and stress

OK I give up

Post 11


Try French lessons, present tenses, past tenses, stressed & unstressed

syllables....then they come up with indefinite & definite articles & start allocating gender, seemingly at random, to inanimate objects!

As for "tu" & "vous".......

In My Day, frogs just went "croak or ridip"!

Bon(ne?) Courage!smiley - goodluck

smiley - zensmiley - devilTerri(also suffering with maturestudentitis)

OK I give up

Post 12


Hi Terri
Isn't it foul? I had to take a break. Haven't got a handle on anything and deadlines looming like thunderclouds in Africa. By tomorrow morning I am supposed to have prepared a half hour teaching session complete with materials and done a rough draft of 1800 words on how well I thought the Hungarian taught me Hungarian. She was b****y brilliant, I can't even copy and paste...I mean that literally, blue petering till midnight for me. Feel sick. Think I will go and comfort eat for two hours!
take care

OK I give up

Post 13


Bon(ne?) idée! (accent in right place?smiley - erm)

smiley - choc can be understood in any language though!smiley - evilgrin

In my class today there were 3 Englishy's (including me), one Chinese, one Vietnamese (with perfect pronunciation & ) a Russian (also with perfect pronunciation) & 2 others who didn't squeak, so i don't know where they are from.

The Englishy's were definitely the worst (you can tell, I was definitely the best of the bunch!smiley - yikes)to the extent that when we all looked blank, the Vietnamese girl patiently explained it to us in English! (The tutor either doesn't have, or chooses not to use english.)

Puts us to shame really.

*toddles off to bed & hopes to learn subliminally*


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