This is the Message Centre for Boots

All gone...oh brave new world where are you?

Post 1


Dear Sirs

As you are probably aware due to the death of my husband in May, I have decided to sell the business. The completion of the sale should take place today.

I shall be staying on until the new owner has found her feet and is confident that the 'Atomic Anemone' standards will remain as high as they have always been.

She is a lovely lady and I hope you will look after her as well as you have taken care of us over the last fifteen years. She has great ideas for the future and I am certain you are all in safe hands. She will be contacting all of you personally in the near future to say “hello” and to reassure you that everything will continue as normal.

This being the case the current invoices include all arrangements that have been installed up to and including today. This covers the Christmas arrangements.

I should be most grateful if you would settle these accounts as soon as is possible. There is an awful lot of paperwork still to do and I know you are all aware that paperwork is not my strong suit!

Thank you all for making the past fifteen years so very special.

Take care


All gone...oh brave new world where are you?

Post 2


Seems like a wrench, yeah?

But this choice is yours, like always. The challenges are fresh, along with a few of the faces. You'll be renewed by meeting them.

You're a brave lady, my friend. To go with the brave new world.

Pinsmiley - hug

All gone...oh brave new world where are you?

Post 3

LL Waz

Very brave.

Was that today today, or is that ready for tomorrow Boots?

All gone...oh brave new world where are you?

Post 4


Chin up, Boots, keep the old school flag flying!

Was there one? School flag I mean, I can't remember.

I agree with the above sentiments, you are brave and strong too. I hope the final phase goes smoothly.

smiley - hug

All gone...oh brave new world where are you?

Post 5


Thanks folks. Don't feel very brave. Thelma and Lousie mindset and very large cliffs beckon invitingly! It was today today and partly yesterday yesterday...actually it's tomorrow now, so it was yesterday and yesterday eve.
Been foul to everybody and may have terminally fallen out with one of my bestest friends...hope they will forgive my beastliness.
Feel a bit better now as have whacked something off to is great therapy.
Don't think there was a flag C but seem to remember gold griffins or something on a blue background? Of course the union jack went up when the posh peeps paraded.
Thanks all
take care

All gone...oh brave new world where are you?

Post 6

LL Waz

smiley - cuddle I think you are all the braver for not feeling brave. You've decided what you need to do and you're doing it despite how hard it is.

All gone...oh brave new world where are you?

Post 7


I am sorry you have fallen out with your best friend, but he/she will probably realise that it is a bad time for you and after a chance to think it over will more than likely be in touch again.

I don't think I ever noticed if a flag was flying at all! Too busy plotting my escape, not that I ever actually attempted to, but it gave me hope smiley - smiley

All gone...oh brave new world where are you?

Post 8


We're speaking. Snapping a bit but speaking. 'Patrick' can be just as arsey as me but he has greater problems than me so I should be the grown up and not behave like a spoilt brat. I have lost a lot this year but I still have my puppies and can plan for the future. He doesn't have that puppies, and only a short future. He's still an arse though!
take care

All gone...oh brave new world where are you?

Post 9

LL Waz

Of course he is! I don't know the real Patrick but I'll take your word for it. Glad you're speaking again.

Those last posts have brought back a buried memory of standing around a flag pole at school singing unpolitically correctly about Rhodesia. Hands over hearts even. It's scary when you think back. I can't remember the actual flag.

All gone...oh brave new world where are you?

Post 10


smiley - hug boots.

I don't remember having a school flag. We had a school song, which I still remember and which sounds incredible stupid to me now. smiley - erm

Hsmiley - rainbow

All gone...oh brave new world where are you?

Post 11


Caerwynn looked what you've started now! smiley - laugh I've spent the last thirty years putting the awfulness that was school behind me and one flagpole opens up everyone's b****y bunting smiley - laugh
take care

All gone...oh brave new world where are you?

Post 12


PS off to do that 15' tree this morning...checked last night not a Ming in sight ...thank you Lord!
take care

All gone...oh brave new world where are you?

Post 13

Trout Montague

Oh Consule Cunctis
We readily grant it
Who will not hearten this song as we chant it
Some 500 fellows assembled in hall.

All gone...oh brave new world where are you?

Post 14

Patron Saint of Kittens... aka Pantherlady THE Werepanther of h2g2 and Queen of BBNs

smiley - cuddle

All gone...oh brave new world where are you?

Post 15


Sorry, Boots, but it was bumping into you again after all these years that brought back stuff I thought was long forgotten! At least we didn't have a school song.

I am glad that you and Patrick are on terms again. True friends are hard to come by, but the truest stick with you no matter what sh*t comes between you. I just wish mine lived locally.

All gone...oh brave new world where are you?

Post 16

LL Waz

I read your Post piece at lunch time (an ideal break from work) and now I understand the Ming reference here. I was thinking Flash Gordon and the Emperor before.

Hope the real 15'er went without incident.

All gone...oh brave new world where are you?

Post 17


If only life were that simple! Off to put it right this morning and to do the rest of the seems the team still needs its director smiley - winkeye and there was me thinking life would be easier! Still I shall have a swim in the pool so it's not all bad!
take care

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