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Post early for Christmas

Post 1


I hate Christmas cards. They clutter. This one doesn't but it does take a lifetime to download...share the phone bill I say, it's good for the economy. Thank you all for being here. The following takes you to a rare glimpse of reality
takec care

Post early for Christmas

Post 2


I loved your card! I admire your strength and courage and hope that this Christmas will be bearable at least, for you, but I also hope that you will find some comfort and smiley - laughsmiley - laughsmiley - laugh too with your lovely family and good friends.

I suppose it's time I got around to some cards and letters. I still haven't got the calendars off to the rellies down under smiley - yikes

Post early for Christmas

Post 3


Thank you. Hope it says it all.
take care

Post early for Christmas

Post 4

Mrs Zen

I am sitting here, at my PC, listening to the song, with tears running down my face.

I love you girl.

I won't say "happy Christmas", but I will wish you all good things possible for the new year.


Post early for Christmas

Post 5


Bit of a choker isn't it?
but it's good to cry.
take care hon

Post early for Christmas

Post 6


Beautiful and wrenching.

And you are all such good looking peeps. That picture of Ravager is very Richard Burton and I shall have to start calling you Sexy Sadie.

Since merry Christmas is not really in order how about,

take care.
smiley - orangefish

Post early for Christmas

Post 7



Post early for Christmas

Post 8


Not sure how much comfort it'll be, but we'll be thinking of you.

smiley - hug

Post early for Christmas

Post 9


might have to have an out of video experience on the strength of this...where are the usherettes with the mivies?
take care

Post early for Christmas

Post 10


No words, just smiley - hug

Post early for Christmas

Post 11


It's Ok. He was the best...better than all the rest. I had thirty years of that, it doesn't get better than that. I can cry and I can move on... what a legacy? I have been truly blessed...better than all the rest! I am very lucky old labrador mongrel pup...I had seriously good master. The future is scary but ok, the flower man will guide me...he was something special...he allowed the butterfly to be free..even though she never wanted to be. He will guide her future path but will allow her to choose the path she has to tread...he is and will always be my hero. x

Post early for Christmas

Post 12


smiley - hugsmiley - rose

Hsmiley - rainbow

Post early for Christmas

Post 13

Patron Saint of Kittens... aka Pantherlady THE Werepanther of h2g2 and Queen of BBNs

smiley - hugsmiley - cuddle and smiley - kisssmiley - brave

Post early for Christmas

Post 14

LL Waz

That's beautiful Boots, the song and the pictures.

Post early for Christmas

Post 15


Thanks Waz.One day I shall build a whole site for him, his songs,his life, his memories...for the puppies and his friends. The web is a wonderful place for recording history n'est pas?
take care
boots (just back from French class and not getting any better at it!)

Post early for Christmas

Post 16


Boots - that was lovely. I've been wondering how you are and send you smiley - hugs.

love T

Post early for Christmas

Post 17


Thanks Teuchter. Bad day in your journal or what?! Hope today was better!
I had a really fab day today. Business is now sold. I was really angry for two days prior to and also on day after, but today was magic. Bottle of champagne arrived early from one customer. Beautiful letter from another. Home made HUGE cream cake from another, phone calls from lots of blasts from the past and my first feeble attempt at an editorial in the local paper IN PRINT! How cool is that. Bit embarrassing though the name font was bigger than the title! I am very lucky old dog.
take care

Post early for Christmas

Post 18


On a bit of a roller coaster at the moment Boots? So many changes in your life - but what a life! How lovely to be so well appreciated by so many people - and an editorial to boot(s)smiley - biggrin.

I'm sitting here, quietly humming from last night's garlic - hope it goes before I have to breathe over people tomorrow smiley - groan. I had a dressing-gown day yesterday - ie did not get dressed until after 2.00 and achieved the sum-total of Zilch all day. Am tempted to do the same today but that would just be boring. Might try to haul my reluctant ar*e off to do some shopping. Would happily not have christmas at all but had better do something about it since half of Scotland is coming to stay.

Hope your day goes well.

Post early for Christmas

Post 19


Know how you feel. I'm just searching out the 'no choice have to send a card to' addresses and crossing off the dead! Hate the whole thing but like you have a mini invasion...oh wow we're all going to have such a jolly time!
Does ANYONE actually enjoy Christmas?
take care

Post early for Christmas

Post 20


Dare say it'll be alright on the night smiley - cdouble

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