A Conversation for Doghouse Tails

Northerners and Southerners

Post 1

Dj in the UK

Aww, is it really that bad in the north? I am a southerner who went to the north to go to uni, and topic of conversation down the pub often is differences between the north and the south. General points that seem to crop up are:

You can tell a person from the south, because they think that Birmingham is actually in the north of England.

A person from the south doesn't have an accent. Apparently everyone sounds like this if they talk propely smiley - winkeyesmiley - tongueout (Ouch!)

Even if northerners smile at strangers as a result of being exposed to cold weather often as a baby causing them to grit their teeth, what's a southerners excuse for not doing the same? (aaide from the warmer weather)

Amusing article, cheers for writing that! smiley - smiley

Dj in the UK

Northerners and Southerners

Post 2


Trust me anything north of Watford (and I don't mean the gap) Is soooooooooo North! According to the Beeb this morning they are however happier. Easily pleased...I rest my case! Thanks for kind words.
Take care

Northerners and Southerners

Post 3


OK wher've you bin? I don't have many reciprocal friends..it would be nice if they stuck around! Have you finished degree yet?
take care

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