This is the Message Centre for Jenny and Fred the cheese

Hamster Dance

Post 1

Jimi X

OK, I went and was thoroughly annoyed! And before I have to hear about Americans not having a sense of humour, please spare me that claptrap!

The hamsters were cute enough, I just couldn't take that annoying song! It was the perfect pitch to grate on my nerves and draw the attention of my boss while I'm looking intently at my monitor like I'm working busily.

Hamster Dance

Post 2

Jenny and Fred the cheese

How can you say that? the song is the greatest and if you were pretending to work you should learn to do it more descreetly

Hamster Dance

Post 3

Jimi X

I am duly chastized...
Please forgive!

Hamster Dance

Post 4

Jenny and Fred the cheese

i forgive, now swear allegiance to the hamster kingdom.

Hamster Dance

Post 5

Jimi X

Let's not press our luck! Hamsters are still vile little rodents - when they dance to that evil music, though, I can see their charm. smiley - smiley

Hamster Dance

Post 6

Jenny and Fred the cheese

did you have a terrible hamster experience as a child or something?

Hamster Dance

Post 7

Jimi X

Or something! smiley - sadface

Hamster Dance

Post 8

Jenny and Fred the cheese

never mind i'm sure you'll get over it smiley - smiley

Hamster Dance

Post 9

Jimi X

But how will I cope with that rejected feeling I have after going to see those dancing rodents and not even receiving a link for my trouble?!?
BTW, know of any good bacterial or viral diseases I can include on my page?

Hamster Dance

Post 10

Jenny and Fred the cheese

No sorry smiley - sadface

Hamster Dance

Post 11

Jimi X

No diseases or no link?
Or, (dread, dread) both??

Hamster Dance

Post 12

Paul the Brake

Hello Jenny & Jimi X. Did you notice that the Hamster dance is a magic eye image (one of those pictures that appear in 3D) I discovered this when I was nearly falling asleep at my PC one night, also the music is from the Walt Disney film Robin Hood but it's been speeded up a bit. Here's a site you will love Jimi X cause you can blow the little critters to bits (and some other Pop stars that you might not like. good fun if you've ever felt like shooting Boyzown

Hamster Dance

Post 13

Jenny and Fred the cheese

Your welcome to a link

Hamster Dance

Post 14

Jimi X

Thank you my deer! smiley - smiley
I shall reciprocate ASAP!!

Hamster Dance

Post 15

Jimi X

Can't check it out now as I'm leaving for a three-day weekend...
But I will when I return Tuesday!

Hamster Dance

Post 16

Paul the Brake

Did you see Ebony Thomas doing the Hamster dance (she is the actress that used to be on Coronation Street and I think she is on Channel 5 now in Family Affairs) I can't find the URL but it was on
I often take a look at the Hamsterdance, its a bit like meditating but you must try to see it in 3D if you haven't yet, can you see magic eye pictures???

Hamster Dance

Post 17

Jenny and Fred the cheese

tell me more

Hamster Dance

Post 18

Paul the Brake

What more can I tell you. You will have to let me know if you know who Ebony Thomes is and if you can see magic eye pictures??? smiley - smiley

Hamster Dance

Post 19

Jenny and Fred the cheese

i don't know who she is, we don't get channel 5 and i never watched the street smiley - sadface where is the magic eye?

Hamster Dance

Post 20

Paul the Brake

I never watch the street or channel 5 either and I only discovered that she was in these programmes cause of the hampster dance, she is a young black actress and her version of the dance was a laugh.
The hampster dance is not like normal magic eye pictures you might have seen before,
Its the first moving one I've ever seen, there isn't a hidden image. the whole page is in 3D. when you can see it some of the hampsters are closer to you and some are further away, each line of animals are in different positions, on the squirrels line there is one squirrel further away from you, then as you look along the line of squirrels there are two of them further back,

Try to let you eye mussels relax and gaze through the page like when you day dream and nothing appears to be in focus.

A method used by a lot people to catch the magic eye picture is to put you nose right up to the screen and then slowly move away and try not to let you eyes refocus on the screen but keep looking through it.
This is the way I first saw magic eye pictures.

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