A Conversation for 42 Lucky Winners


Post 1


Thanks for the book - Can't WAIT to see it. And thank you for the nice photo of Douglas holding an envelope with my name on it! Now I will have to keep the book, the envelope, the photo and the video of TW. So much can happen in one month. Now all I need is to get a page accepted. Sigh.


Post 2

Global Village Idiot

Don't get your hopes up too soon. It looks suspiciously like the spangly-silver "special edition" which was on knock-down in Potters Bar about 2 years ago. I don't want to sound negative, but of all the versions I own, that's the one I'm least likely to open for a quiet moment's edification.
(sorry TDV, sorry DNA, sorry anyone who prizes that version above all others - it just didn't work for me)

And I suppose at least yours will be signed by Himself.


Post 3


It arrived. I expect it is that one, sounds like it is. I would probably prefer to read a straight novel. But nice to have a signed book.smiley - smiley


Post 4

Global Village Idiot

Yes, sorry I was a bit ungracious - if you want to delete the above entry, Jim, feel free.

Peta, Spartus, and all the other winners, I'm sure it will get pride of place on your bookshelves. Don't mind me.


Post 5


Thats ok! smiley - smiley

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