This is the Message Centre for HonestIago


Post 41


As you may have gathered, us poor people dependant on the Beeb are stuck at the end of S6, I'll probabl have finished Uni by the time I get to watch the last episode. So annoying!


Post 42


I watched it... and i'm not going to say anything except... oh my gosh... :P


Post 43


Just put my mind at rest, was it better than The Gift? I don't want any other details, I've just been worring that since The Gift was so amazing the finale would be a let down.


Post 44


I think it was prutty good... yeah its better... thier both shockers... its well worth the wait!!


Post 45


So Clypso, how old are you? It's just I've got exams on the brain and I'm wondering what the situation is in the States, how old are you when you have exams?


Post 46


I'm going to be 17 in Augest... well every year have to take finals in order to pass, have to take and pass 12th grade tests... the SAT are taken in 12th grade... ^-^
How old are you?.. i been i'm sure your older than me...


Post 47


I'm 18, 19 in December. Your exam regime is pretty similar to my (private) school, I'm on an academic scholarship so every year I have to get a certain grade in exams to keep my scholarship and stay in the school.


Post 48


Ghost of the Robot were so amazing, thanks for telling me about them. Had such a good night


Post 49


Hey how have you been??


Post 50


Good. I thought you'd disappeared. I got my A Level results today and so I'm really happy. Also I'm going on holiday tomorrow, going around Europe for a month. What have you been up to?


Post 51


Just been really busy and all... alot of work for SFI... been writing when i can... smiley - smiley ummm... i have been getting extreme headakes... to the point that i have briefly lost eye sight/ get constintly dizze (sp?) / sick to my stomake/ can't be in a room with bright light if any at all/ loss my balance/ can't process information... ect ... its really bad...
I had an MRI done... i have to see the doctor again to be told the results... hopefully they will find out what has been causing the headakes...

My birthday was on the 25th... i turned 17... I hope you have fun... vist a castle or two for smiley - winkeye


Post 52


I hope you get better soon, I'm sure it's nothing serious. Happy Birthday for 3 days ago as well.


Post 53


Hey, how are you? I just thought I'd bring this up my conversation list. Started Uni last week and it rocks. Have you started your last year of high school then?


Post 54


I'm doing alittle better..... still a bit sick. What are you studying? Yeah... i have start school agin... not my last year... i'm homeschooled... and its a bit diffrent than normal public school... i should graduate soon... right now i'm reading "The Tragety of Julius Caeser" by William Shakespear... i love his plays....

When is your birthday... so that way i can send you a e-card smiley - smiley


Post 55


I'm doing Philosophy and Politics and it rocks. I only have 6 hours of lectures a week smiley - biggrin I love Shakespeare, Romeo and Juliet is my favourite, but I love Othello as well (obv) and The Tempest

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