This is the Message Centre for HonestIago


Post 21


Ohhh.... Lol

Just kinding !!!


Post 22


So what's America really like? During my summer holidays from Uni I want to either help out at a summer camp or drive across from Key West to Seattle and then catch a ferry to Juneau. You live in such an epic country, you could get to know the UK really well in about a year of travelling around, with America it seems like it'd take a lifetime


Post 23


This post has been removed.


Post 24


The European Tour dates are now set, and tickets are on sale. The band will be
Preforming throughout the summer and will be in Germany, France, the
UK, and various other locations. Ticket information is available at Their schedule is as follows:

May 10 – Pickwick Theatre, Chicago, IL, USA
June 12 – MTC, Cologne, Germany
June 13 – Sinkkasten, Frankfurt, Germany
June 14 – The Garage, London, UK
June 16 – TJ’s, Newport, UK
June 17 – Cavern, Liverpool, UK
June 19 – Scala, London, UK
August 30 – DragonCon Convention, Atlanta, GA, USA

If you would like anything more on the Ghost of robots.. just ask!!!


Post 25


This post has been removed.


Post 26


Don't know if you got my last post before it was removed? didn't see yours... if you wish just email it to me [Personal details removed by Moderator]


Post 27


I got it. I'll email you my views.


Post 28


Also I have my tickets to see GOTR. Very very happy


Post 29


Good....i'm happy for you
i would so love to see them... i'm hopeing there tour in the US... somewhere near clevland


Post 30


Just wondering if you got my email, my address starts with mattp, just so you know who its from. I'm gonna get a Hotmail account in the next couple of days, the only problem is while I'm on school holidays I rely on public libaries for internet access


Post 31


well.. what have you been doing latly??


Post 32


Why have they hidden my last post? I haven't got access to my school email account so I can't tell. Lately I have been revising, revising and oh yes revising. Its very annoying.


Post 33


how have you been.. i haven't been on latly cause i just got back from a trip!!!


Post 34


All right for some. Really I'm just revising for my A Levels, I leave school this Friday and have my last exam in 5 weeks time. It's freaky, school has always been a large part of my life and it's gonna be gone in a month's time. Where did you go on your trip? I went to Dublin a fortnight ago which was really great


Post 35


I went to Pigon Forge,Tennessee... i am part of a Star Trek organization... SFI... you may have heard of it cause it is an international organization... anyway my reigon(there is 15 reigons.. i'm in reigon one) we had our yearly summit where everyone gets together. It was prutty cool.. i went last year too.. i was on security duty... which was diffrent.. but in a good way.
After the summit... me and those that came with me... which included my father... we went to Chattonooga,Tennessee.. its a civil war location... it was prutty cool there... except for the fact they don't know how to drive... there was like 10 car crashes in a two hour span...


Post 36


do you know what your going to do after you do finish school?


Post 37


I'm going to University, studying Politics. I want to be either a teacher or a diplomat. So are you a trekkie or a trekker?


Post 38


cool... we could always use more teachers and diplomats (sp?).... I'm a Trekker... SFI is much more than a much of people getting together in costums and going to conventions... if that was so i would be in a BTVS club... but really we do volinteer work... we raise money for the comunity/ and other charitys... we do other things but those are the more significte of it all...


Post 39


That's really cool. I do a fair bit of voluntary work myself, mainly this community drama group I helped set up but also a in a local charity cinema. I just love the buzz of it. For the moment I've had to take some time off but I can't wait until my exams are finished cos I can get back to it


Post 40


cool... so the last episode airs here in 4 days... i can't wait but i'm also sad cause its ending.

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