A Conversation for Smoking


Post 21

Jonny Zoom

...and get you expelled from Eton.


Post 22


Getting expelled from that sort of place is the best thing one could hope for. One of my ex-flatmates went there and is an arse. Mind you, someone got expelled from my normal school, though she was the daughter of one of the posher teachers. The main reason for staying off has is that it makes people boring. Ever been witness to events at a party after someone decides to be hard by spliffing up? Everyone falls asleep or stalks talking bollocks. Youngsters beware.


Post 23

Drool Frood the Second

Stalks talking? Are you beig quite honest here or are you on the wacky
baccy yourself?
However I agree.As someone who indulged in the 70's I do think that people are really boring and stupid when they are stoned.
If however you are also partaking the whole thing is hilarious.
As like everything else alright in moderation.


Post 24

Jonny Zoom

Hey look - the non-smokers have completely abandoned this debate. I claim victory on behalf of all smokers everywhere, whatever they're smoking!

I thoroughly agree that marijuana makes you boring. Whereas coke only makes other people boring, and ecstasy makes boring people very interesting. Funny old world.

on top of old

Post 25


I can't think of anything to say. Perhaps I'd better go home to watch the SImpsons.


Post 26

Global Village Idiot

There is actually a moderately big chain of pubs (I think they all have "Moon" in their names - Moon in The Square in Bournemouth, Moon Under Water in Watford) which have one smoking bar and one non-smoking - which is great for people like me who want to enjoy a decent pint of beer but not find the next morning that their clothes smell like an old ashtray.

In my experience, smoking and drinking only go hand in hand in that people who have given up smoking weaken after a few drinks and light up, then hate themselves for it in the morning.

Smoking's a filthy habit - but I'd have to concede that at least it doesn't often make you beat your wife or wake up in a pool of your own bodily outpourings.


Post 27


That's a lovely image. MMmmmmm. All slopping about. I've seen people coughing up considerable portions of lung tissue but it's usually too solid to form a pool.


Post 28


Or LSD, which makes boring wallpaper and gravel driveways very interesting.

Ahem, not that I've ever tried it, of course. I drink milk.

on top of old

Post 29


(NON-MENTHOL WOULD BE THE BEST).......The joys of life so simple and sweet the time is right it can't be beat, "I'd kill for a smoke", the poor folk jest - Non-menthol would be the best. Satisfaction just out of sight, can't seem to savor that very first toke, for menthols' stand in the way of the greatest quest. As has been said - Non-menthol stands above all the rest. So sitting and fitting the night rolls on, filled with the joys that can't be found.......for menthol's all that's around. smiley - smiley

I Love To Smoke

Post 30


I Love to Smoke...NO, I really LOVE to Smoke
Imagine finishing off a nice meal, bottle of wine and not being able to sit back with a mug of coffee and 'light up', that initial pull off the cigarette, drawing it into your lungs, slowly exhaling and getting a nicotine hit within seconds, yummy yummy yummy

If you don't like it move away, don't sit beside me and talk in my ear about the effects it has on others. The Earth is getting too damned politically correct

Remember, Were here for a good time, not a long time.

Right, I'm off for a smoke and a coffee...

I Love To Smoke

Post 31

Jonny Zoom

Absolutely! We're all steadily poisoning ourselves anyway...we might as well do it in a pleasurable manner. It can't be any worse than drinking Coke and eating McDonalds and ice cream and chocolate anyway. Not to mention driving about polluting the atmosphere...I've said it above and I'll say it again - if you drive you have no right to complain about smoking. It's car pollution that causes asthma in kids, right?


Post 32


you drink milk, huh? I hear that stuff is pretty powerfull. I'll bet it doesn't even come CLOSE to Black Cockrel though. Anyone who tries that stuff is CRAZY! So...want some?


Post 33

Jonny Zoom

Milk is infinitely worse. It's disgusting. It's all viscous and it clings to the side of the glass. I can't even watch someone drinking milk. Drinking milk while on LSD would be a hundred times worse...and I don't recommend trying to eat salad while under the influence either. Or so "a friend" advised me.


Post 34

Jonny Zoom

LSD makes *everything* infinitely fascinating and fun. Which is quite OK if you've got the time to dedicate to it.

I Love To Smoke

Post 35


amen! smiley - smiley


Post 36


Black Cockerel? Phew. That's the stuff that did in Ronald Reagan's brain. Nasty.

I Love To Smoke

Post 37


The natural lifespan for the human being is as long as they could survive with one set of adult teeth. Read Galapagos for lots of stuff in a similar vein. By the time we're all dying, euthanasia will be either very easy to perform and maybe even legal, thereby saving the NHS vast wodges of cash which would otherwise be spent on paying people to wipe the arse of people who should be dead.


Post 38


I'm telling you, hands down, Black Cockrel makes LSD look like candy. It'll make your hair stand on end, and your brain do loop-di-loo's. Ronald Reagan did it back when you could get the good stuff, and we all see what happened to him. No wonder he was so big on the war on drugs. I shudder to think about the hell that man must have gone through.


Post 39


He probably took too much, and had to deal with the third second of the high.

Poor guy.


Post 40


He always was one for overindulgence, I suppose. I guess that explaines all the jelly belly's, huh?

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