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The Yotte Work Party.

Post 21


Aye! many thanks for that fluffykerfuffle, what made it even better this year was the fact that 90 Ex-Yotties turned up this year.

Now considering that our numbers are sadly declining each year, to have so many turn up is amazing.

The numbers have gone up every year, and this was our 4th one.

A long cry from the very first reunion I tried to organise way back in 2005, where only 6 turned upsmiley - erm

I am really chuffed with the result this year, and God willing, I will be there for the next onesmiley - winkeye

smiley - cheersSmudger.

The Yotte Work Party.

Post 22


Well, I could not attend the work party this year, as I couldn't get anyone to stay with my wife, while I was away?

Its hard to believe that she comes from such a large family, yet no one would come to stay with her, for the 4 nights I would be away for?smiley - erm

So, I got one of her lads to sit with her yesterday, while I drove across to meet all the lads, as its only a 30 minute drive for me to get to HMY.

It was great to see them all again, and I felt so at home while I was there, but after 3 hours, I had to leave, so that her lad to collect his son from school.

Still, I suppose a 3 hour visit was better than nothing, but I still had that sad feeling with me, when I got back into the car, to drive home, and it stayed with me all the way home.

I do feel a wee bit let down, as all I was asking was for, was 5 days off, out of the 365 I spend as a carer to my wife?

So I only hope that one of them will step in, and allow me to attend next years work party.smiley - winkeye

We have our own Yottie flag now, that is only up when we are on board, its a really smart one as well.smiley - cool

smiley - cheersSmudger.

The Yotte Work Party.

Post 23


That is such a shame Smudger, but I am glad you managed some time with your friends.

I don't think many people realise how hard it is for carers, and how much a break would be appreciated. I guess you don't complain enough as like most carers you are selfless.

Is there no respite care up there? Having said that I know how difficult it is to arrange down here.

Anyway, try and concentrate on the nice time you did have and not on the time you didn't get. You can't change it nd it won't help.

I will keep my fingers crossed for you next year.

Websailor smiley - dragon

The Yotte Work Party.

Post 24


Cheers for that WS, I don't think we will get any help until I hand them forms back in, the form for me to be classed as her carer.

There are a few questions on it that we are not sure about, so I will to take it to that place again, where you can help with filling forms like that in.

I will let you know how things go.smiley - winkeye

smiley - cheersSmudger.

The Yotte Work Party.

Post 25

Florida Sailor All is well with the world

Hi Smudger;

Sorry to hear you missed your time on HMY this year smiley - sadface

Could you find us a link to the 'Yottie's flag'? I would like to see it.

I read that you are most often polishing 'bright work' I assume you are working with brass rather than varnish? In my world the term is alternately used for both.

I would love to read a short Entry on the subject. I have used the paste 'Brasso' and a blue can of impregnated cloth called 'Never Dull' I used the later most often, but is probably came out after your time. I have read that in the 19th century ashes from a fire were used as a polish (not to imply that you are that old!)

smiley - cheers and fair seas smiley - magic

F smiley - dolphin S

The Yotte Work Party.

Post 26


That's interesting FS, I have a lot of brass and a fire too - I like the old methods, cheap and effective usually.

Websailor smiley - dragon

The Yotte Work Party.

Post 27

Florida Sailor All is well with the world

A brief article on polishing with ash

F smiley - dolphin S

The Yotte Work Party.

Post 28


Good article FS thank yousmiley - smiley

The Yotte Work Party.

Post 29


smiley - space
hi dee ho, Smudger smiley - smiley
sorry you didnt get to do the work smiley - sadface

i caregave my dad for about 5 years and one does
sometimes get weary ...psychologically espcially.

so my advice to you is to make the time to go down
to the place where they help u fill out the forms... as soon as possible !

it is amazing how fast time gets away from you ...and, besides,
you need some breaks now, anyway, that the carer designation
will give you, right?

And a happy healthy caregiver is a happier healthier care receiver

smiley - hugsmiley - towel

The Yotte Work Party.

Post 30


Cheers FK, the form has been sent in, all filled out, ( and photocopied) so I will just have to wait and see what happens.

Your right about the fatigue, I feel totally shattered some nights.

Some days, the back pain I get, is so bad that I cant hardly take care of myself, let along take care of my wife, but we get by somehow.smiley - winkeye

smiley - cheersSmudger.

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