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Its been 30 years

Post 1


I cant believe that its been 30 years sine the Falklands war. I have been watching the anniversary TV documentaries recently, and the interviews with some of the veterans.

Another thought crossed my mind, if the same thing were to happen today, I wonder if we would have them means and re-souses to repeat it, after all the cut backs we have seen to our forces, especially the Royal Navy?

Any ideas on the matter fellow researchers.

smiley - cheersSmudger.

Its been 30 years

Post 2


My thoughts exactly Smudger. I have read several books by people closely involved in the Falklands War, and it happened in very similar circumstances to the position we find our country in now. Cutting back on ships, planes and personnel.

I think there is little likelihood of Argentina trying it again as the Falklands are very much better equipped and defended, on the spot, than they were the last time. Also I understand that once again Argentina is a bit broke!

I had friends in the Forces last time, and two or us had husbands in the Reserves so it was a worrying time. This time I have a friend out there (not military) but I think she is coming home around now so I shall probably get a first hand account of the real atmosphere out there.

I was horrified at the struggle to get planes operating (from scrap) and all sorts of jiggery pokery to enable a task force to be sent out last time. i can well imagine if something big came up we would be doing the same again.

Like you, I can't believe it is thirty years ago. I watched a programme on TV with Simon Weston (my hero) and also heard him on the radio. I have also watched the news about soldiers coming home from Afghanistan with PTSD and often not getting treatment. It breaks my heart.

Hope you and Mark ll are keeping well and the weather is not too dreadful up there?

smiley - cheers

Websailor smiley - dragon

Its been 30 years

Post 3


Plus those veterans of the Falklands War still suffering PTSD to this day.

Websailor smiley - dragon

Its been 30 years

Post 4


Dear Smudger

I have tried to write to you. Yesterday I spent a long time on my computer and literally everything I wrote was lost. i.e. does not appear. I cannot believe that it is all my fault.

Anyway, just a short note again to say I wrote yesterday but my message does not appear.

I remember that you were in the Navy. I thought that you went to the Middle East, but I note that Websailor thinks you were in the Falklands.

Go well.

Wednesday 4th April 2012 15.15

Its been 30 years

Post 5


Cheers folks, I appreciate your posts, I had a few mates from my time in the R.N who were there at the time, they all came home I'm glad to saysmiley - ok

I was working as a welding instructor on a oil construction site at the time of the Falklands, and contacted the R.N to see if they could use me.

Would you believe it, that was the very first time that I was told that "I was too old??)

That rocked my confidence a lotsmiley - erm

Ive been told a few times since that I was too old for certain things, getting a mortgage was the last onesmiley - laugh

On the other hand Ive been told that I will no longer quality for Income Support, because I am Too Old!

So will be awarded pension credit insteadsmiley - winkeye

smiley - cheersSmudger.

Its been 30 years

Post 6


i knew you weren't in the Falklands Smudger, crossed wires there I think. Glad your mates came home, just hope they didn't bring horrible memories with them.

Benefits are a sore point with me at the moment, not for myself but for friends. They are so complicated and confusing, and worrying. Just when you need even more help, at retirement, it is taken away. Diabolicalsmiley - grr

smiley - cheers

Websailor smiley - dragon

Its been 30 years

Post 7


Hi WS, if your friend is having problems filling in forms, check your local councils phone directory, they will be in there under Carers.smiley - ok ..........(ours was called Fife Carers Cantre)

The bloke we got was a very nice and friendly, he came round to our house, and filled in "all our forms", in one go.

He even found a benefit that Mk2 was entitled to, that we never even knew about?

He did our DLA & Income Support/Incapacity Benefits, and was gone within ab hour or so, he was that quicksmiley - winkeye

smiley - cheersSmudger.

Its been 30 years

Post 8


The paperwork is not the problem, it is the changes that are taking place in entitlements down here that are causing the problems.

Websailor smiley - dragon

Its been 30 years

Post 9


Ah! with you now, they are requesting proof of disability by means of a doctors report here, before they will grant benefits.

Even then, in some cases they want the applicant to attend an interview on top of the doctors evidence?smiley - erm

smiley - cheersSmudger,

Its been 30 years

Post 10


They are not even properly qualified here in some cases. There are some terrible tales emerging, and lots of Appeals have been granted. Wast of time and money and very distressing for people with genuine problems.

Websailor smiley - dragon

Its been 30 years

Post 11


Aye! I saw a program on TV about it, they had a nurse carrying out the so called medical examinations, in one case they asked a woman if she could lift her arms above her head.

Then after she did that, they deemed her fit for work?

Another case, they told a manic depressive man, that there was nothing wrong with him, sent him back to work.

He committed suicide o his first day at work, by jumping from an office window.smiley - grr

smiley - cheersSmudger.

Its been 30 years

Post 12


There are heaps more stories like that Smudger. They seem to even ignore medical information, but then they ARE paid handsomely for everyone person they claim is fit for work and therefore off benefits smiley - grr

Says it all doesn't it?

Websailor smiley - dragon

Its been 30 years

Post 13


Aye! and they will never admit that they got it wrong? But then, no government ever hassmiley - grr

smiley - cheersSmudger.

Its been 30 years

Post 14


Absolutely true.

Websailor smiley - dragon

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