This is the Message Centre for Smudger879n

Managed to Log in at Last.

Post 21


oh and make sure you go to the address before you bookmark it... otherwise your browser doesn't know about it... your browser will bookmark the last activated address also... here is a fun link for this thread (needless to say, don't forget it may not work if you click it... you may have to highlight it, copy it, paste it in the address window, and then activate it for it to work...) the operand is &skip=0&show=200 use it when you want to see the whole conversation in a thread... it will show the first 200 posts... which is nice if you have a slow browser or service... no clicking to go on to the next page... nice for saving to your desktop too... probably nice for printing as well

Managed to Log in at Last.

Post 22


smiley - space
aarrghhhhhhh!! smiley - wah


obviously you cannot highlight a truncated line smiley - sadface

so you can highlight and copy the operand i gave you and then delete the operand in the address bar and paste the new operand in (everything from ? on)

neato smiley - cool

Managed to Log in at Last.

Post 23

fluffykerfuffle &post=110660848#p110660848 &skip=0&show=200 oohhh i see here what i have been seeing all over the site... people posting links like this... i just didnt get the memo that you are supposed to highlight the url and paste into the address bar and close the spaces between the 5 and the & (use a notepad if its too hard to do on the address bar) ah well... hope i am not confusing you too much smudger

Managed to Log in at Last.

Post 24


smiley - space


(everything from ? on) <-----------------no

(everything from the first & on) <------yes

Managed to Log in at Last.

Post 25


Right I am in again, and thanks to Lil I have even managed to find my favourite skin, Brunel, so that is an added bonus.smiley - cool

Its still a tad confusing though, having to go through more links, but as long as I can get in to do my bit, I'm happysmiley - winkeye

I am still keeping an eye on that Hello thread, as that was Abbi getting in touch after a long time, hope to see a reply soon.

smiley - cheersSmudger.

Managed to Log in at Last.

Post 26


smiley - space
okay so today i see that a lot of the posts i made here with links in them

don't show and in their place is this

"There has been an issue with rendering this post, please contact the editors."

so if you are never out of pliny you cannot see the links that get you out of pliny

doing the thing in the preferences window

selecting a skin other than pliny
and then clicking the update button at the bottom

will get you into the skin, other than pliny, of your choice
and then navigation is easier
and posts dont get hidden because there are internet addresses in them that pliny has a problem with

Managed to Log in at Last.

Post 27


Aye! I have just done a re-run and I can get in now only using 2 clicks, and that takes me straight to my page in Brunel smiley - winkeye

smiley - cheersSmudger.

Managed to Log in at Last.

Post 28


smiley - space
yay! smiley - magic

Managed to Log in at Last.

Post 29


Oh! Oh! spoke too soon, that link didn't work tonight?

Not to worry, I will keep finding my way in! smiley - winkeye

smiley - cheersSmudger.

Managed to Log in at Last.

Post 30


Heya Smudger! Nice to see you about the place!

When you log in you should get a tick box that allows you to stay logged in, makes it easier as you don't have to keep nipping back through Pliny if you don't want to.

Managed to Log in at Last.

Post 31


smiley - space
what tick box is that, pastey?
what is it called and on what page is it?

smiley - towel

Managed to Log in at Last.

Post 32


If you log in through Pliny, there's a box that says "Remember me" smiley - smiley

Managed to Log in at Last.

Post 33

Pit - ( Carpe Diem - Stay in Bed )

If you were I, would you really want to remember ?

Managed to Log in at Last.

Post 34


Aye! where is this Tick Box?smiley - erm

I got in tonight via 3 separate links, to anything to make it easier would be greatly appreciatedsmiley - winkeye

smiley - cheersSmudger.

Managed to Log in at Last.

Post 35


Talk us through what exactly you are doing.

Managed to Log in at Last.

Post 36


Well, I click on a link that was sent to me.

Then, I click on that one and it takes to me another page, that looks like it has nothing to do with this site.

Then I click on that one, and it takes me a white page that has another link.

When I open that page, I get one that shows H2G2 in another skin, but has "Preferences" on it, and that takes me into the site, in Brunel, which is the skin I've always used?

Its as easy as thatsmiley - winkeye

smiley - cheersSmudgsmiley - cheerser.

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