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OOps! Too Late Again.

Post 1


Ah! I have had a look and noticed that I have missed the latest edition of smiley - thepost Its my own fault. I have one half written just now, but RL had been getting in the way recently? I have been building a fence in our back garden, well Mk2s lads are actually doing the work, I am just the gaffer and designersmiley - winkeye
Anyway, its 6 feet high, (legal limit) so it hides my neighbours jungle of a garden, and gives us more privacy as well, so maybe I will get Mk2 out in the garden more often now, after all, I built the summer house for her, yet she never visits itsmiley - erm

Most of the timber of this fence has been recycled, and it took longer to reclaim and modify the timber that it did to build itsmiley - laugh

So, yes I will get got this one completed and have it ready for the next smiley - thepost, sorry about that folkssmiley - winkeye
smiley - cheersSmudger.

OOps! Too Late Again.

Post 2


Hi Smudger are you well you sound it smiley - cheers

OOps! Too Late Again.

Post 3


RL does get in the way doesn't it Smudger? I struggle sometimes too. Don't worry about it, we will look forward to the next one smiley - smiley

Websailor smiley - dragon

OOps! Too Late Again.

Post 4


We certainly will smiley - cheers

OOps! Too Late Again.

Post 5

Opticalillusion- media mynx life would be boring without hiccups

smiley - dontpanic I'm just pleased to hear from you smiley - kiss

OOps! Too Late Again.

Post 6


Ah! thanks folks, its nice to hear thatsmiley - winkeye
I am on my desk top tonight, as I made a hash of installing my 2009 version of Kaspersky, as there is an X in the activation code, but the program will not accept itsmiley - wah It cost me £20 as well, for 3 computers, yet they wanted £28 just for the code for 2009 for 1 computersmiley - erm Our lad will sort that tomorrow for me, I hope?

Amway, now that the fence is finished, and I am almost finished the new floor in the other shed where we keep Mk2s scooter, (water damage from leaking door?)I will soon be on the case of writing againsmiley - winkeye
smiley - cheersSmudger.

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