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ECO Kettle.

Post 1


Recently I saw a TV program that shows all the latest gadgets that are coming on the market soon, and one of them was this ECO Kettle, s they called it. They reckon it can save the user a lot of money as well as being environmental friendly. So we ordered one on line, as we could not find it in any of the shops we asked at, anyway it arrived today, and its a great thing, it has a reservoir that can hold up to 8 cups of water. All you have to do is press the pump button down until you see the water level reaching the amount of cups you want to make,, this water then goes into a separate reservoir, so it only boils the amount of water you need, not all the water that is actually in it.
Another good thing is, it boils the water really fast, and quietly, also there is not that usual steam bath that we used to get while its boiling waiting to shut off automatically. So we are well pleased with it, and we know it will save us money, so the initial cost of £29.99 in buying it, will soon be recoveredsmiley - winkeyesmiley - winkeye
smiley - cheersSmudger.

ECO Kettle.

Post 2

Jimcracker7[ gone altogether. im my home from home.

hi smudger
ive never paid more than £10 for a kettle, the one i have now is the cookware one.
pointless having extra buttons to push, rats would probably end up blowing it up. the one i have boils in two mins with the water at two cups level smiley - dragon jim

ECO Kettle.

Post 3


Wed. 8th October 2008

Dear Smudger,
What a brilliant idea smudger. I can no longer pick up my kettle even if I only put a little water into it. Is this kettle heavy? I will also order it on line. Please let me know if it is heavier than an ordinary kettle?

Hope you are both well.

Thank you so much.

Christiane AR80

ECO Kettle.

Post 4

Opticalillusion- media mynx life would be boring without hiccups

I think its wonderful all these green ideas ...perhaps I shall think of getting one for my bf to put in his home

ECO Kettle.

Post 5

Nigel *ACE*


I have trouble lifting a kettle, and now I have a 'kettle tipper', which helps me a lot smiley - ok.

Here is a link to one, just as an example:

Nigel smiley - footprints

ECO Kettle.

Post 6

Jimcracker7[ gone altogether. im my home from home.

hi christiane
there is a kettle that you never need to lift up, its designed to tilt forward, for people that cant lift or hold a normal kettle
a friend od mine, now passed on, had one, if you put, kettles for disabled, in the google, you should come on the page you can get one from
or even a store near you that sell them, hope this helps with the lifting heavy ones problem smiley - dragon jim xx

ECO Kettle.

Post 7

Nigel *ACE*

Christiane, if you go into the link, click kitchen and you will find kettle tippers in there.

Jim, you are thinking the same as me smiley - biggrin.

Nigel smiley - footprints

ECO Kettle.

Post 8

Jimcracker7[ gone altogether. im my home from home.

hi nige
i had a mate that had to have one, because he had very bad artheritis in both hands, and lifting things wa hard for him.
ive just got one of the new tinopeners, that you can open the ends and shut on the tin, with an easy to turn handle,and the lid stays on the opener till the ends are pulled apart,and the lid will drop in the bin smiley - dragon jim

ECO Kettle.

Post 9


Hi Christine, glad someone put you on to that kettle that doesn't need to be lifted, as the ECO one is quite heavy to pour from.smiley - ok

We have found it a great wee kettle, its so quiet and really fast! In fact I have to be quick with putting in the sugar, tea bag and coffee as it boils so quicklysmiley - ok
Also has a safety feature which stops if there is not enough water in the boiling reservoir, bottom line, we are well pleased with itsmiley - applause
smiley - cheersSmudger.

ECO Kettle.

Post 10


Smudger, I was very interested in that Ecokettle but I don't buy online and none of the suppliers are near me. I am sure it will appear near me some time soon, it is too good to miss with the huge increases in electric costs. Thanks for the tip.

Websailor smiley - dragon

ECO Kettle.

Post 11

Jimcracker7[ gone altogether. im my home from home.

hi websailor
on most sights there are usually an option to ring the place, and setup a way to pay by cheque.
i did the same with anything i wanted that was on the net in the past.
there should be a section"contact us" with addy or a phone number, hope this helps you get the kettle smiley - dragon jim

ECO Kettle.

Post 12


What it is to have brains, I hadn't thought that far! I have to convince my other half of the need though, we have had a number of arguments about our current kettle which allows us to boil just a couple of cups, but he won't smiley - grr

Thanks for tip. I will take a look,

Websailor smiley - dragon

ECO Kettle.

Post 13

Jimcracker7[ gone altogether. im my home from home.

hi webby
ive had enough years to learn how to get what i want, i dont use credit cards, the only things i have are the atm ones,
and i would never get anything with details on the internet.
smiley - dragon jim xx

ECO Kettle.

Post 14

Jimcracker7[ gone altogether. im my home from home.

webby,"hint" check the h2g2 post lol,

ECO Kettle.

Post 15


Hi WS, I used to be the same as you when it came to buying on line, but since I signed up with Pay Pal its really easy to pay for things. You only have to give out your bank card details ONCE and that's it. Also, while you are doing that, check the very top bar on your screen, it should start with https:// (with the "s" on the end, it means the site you are on is safesmiley - ok

The kettle is working great, we are saving money and water alreadysmiley - winkeye
Also, buy buying it on line we got it for £29.99 which is £10 off the normal pricesmiley - cool
smiley - cheersSmudger.

ECO Kettle.

Post 16


Thanks for the tips everyone. I have become more wary of using my card since I had nearly a grand pinched from my account, not through the Net, and I don't know how or where it happened. The banks ..... well, let's not go there smiley - dohsmiley - grr

Websailor smiley - dragon

ECO Kettle.

Post 17

Jimcracker7[ gone altogether. im my home from home.

hi all
ive always used the light, cheap, cookware ones, with just enough water in for two cups(incase rats wants to make a cuppa)at the same time.
i find they are light, and easy to lift, and i never open to to to fill, just spout under the tap, watch water level and back on its stand, and boil smiley - dragon jim

ECO Kettle.

Post 18


Wed. 10th October 2008

Dear Nigel,

thank you so much for that link. It is going to be very useful.



ECO Kettle.

Post 19


Your Eco Kettle sounds pretty neat!

ECO Kettle.

Post 20


Thank you J Ellen,

Actually I think it might be too heavy for me, and that is why Nigel's hint was so good because it was to an organisation which makes things to help the aged and infirmto help themselves.

Nice to meet you.



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